FreeOnes or FreeBans?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Talking about banning and banned users is a good way to end up banned yourself.

Closed in: 3...2...1...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Our rules are pretty clear. Follow them, there's no issues. Choose to ignore them, you'll eventually get yourself banned.

Pretty simple really.
some people can't handle the truth ! rules ! :laugh: :o


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
But how can I wank with the constant fear of being banned hovering above my Meatus?

Again, unless you plan on breaking the rules on purpose, what do you have to fear?

Don't talk about banned subjects, don't flame, and don't link to tube sites that host stolen material. If a link comes up as ****, we don't allow it so don't figure out a way to post it.

It's not exactly rocket science. Unless Dirk is somehow involved. Then it becomes the most complicated thing on earth...but that's a whole different story. ;-)

Connor Macleod

Staff member
But how can I wank with the constant fear of being banned hovering above my Meatus?

Trust me, you don't want to be on a forum that doesn't have rules, or one where the mods refuse to enforce them. I was on one of those about three years ago and it was a nightmare.
Again, unless you plan on breaking the rules on purpose, what do you have to fear?

Don't talk about banned subjects, don't flame, and don't link to tube sites that host stolen material. If a link comes up as ****, we don't allow it so don't figure out a way to post it.

It's not exactly rocket science. Unless Dirk is somehow involved. Then it becomes the most complicated thing on earth...but that's a whole different story. ;-)


Your confusion completes me.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I am totally going to get FreeBans tattooed on my knuckles.
The only person who would point out banned members and the disappearing posts is someone who was banned and in turn had posts deleted.

So, who are ya? Sorry, Who were ya?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Holy shit! Is that the Famousbabes?!? I don't think I'd seen you around before, but you're a legend around here. Nice to meet you, sir! :hatsoff:

Or someone else? All shall be revealed at the end of days. :tinhat:

Thank you Mr. Camping. Care to predict the date? :cthulhu:

Jon S.

The only person who would point out banned members and the disappearing posts is someone who was banned and in turn had posts deleted.

So, who are ya? Sorry, Who were ya?
Thanks for pointing that out. I was thinking the very same thing as soon as I saw the original post. I mean it is "kind of" a strange thing for a "newbie" to be asking....UNLESS...well, you already finished that thought for me.

All shall be revealed at the end of days. :tinhat:
Would that be October 21st of this year...or December 21st of next year? :tinhat: I gots to know!


My Penis Is Dancing!
Just do what I do. You are guaranteed to get banned over and over and over and over and over.

Wait...does "ban" mean "receive unlubbed anal sex"?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Wouldn't that be RUAS?