[SOLVED] Freckles !

Could someone ID please ? Is there more of her somewhere ?


The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Sub-query: Who does this remind me of?

I've been looking at this for ages and I just can't think, other than she reminds me of someone that isn't actually her and it is driving me somewhat mad.

And it's nothing to do with her freckles. It's just her face that is familiar.


The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Don't think so although I can see why you said it.

I'm thinking maybe it's Melanie Hicks that she reminds me of facially but I'm not sure.

Anyway, not to worry unless someone reading might happen to think they know who she might remind me of. Sometimes you just can't place what it is about a person, or who it is - just that it all seems familiar.