

Lord Dipstick
I have a family of Foxes living in the woods, in my backyard.

1 momma and 4 babies.

Should I call animal control, an Exterminator or just let them be?

They really aren't bothering anything and are actually keeping all the Rabbits, Squirrels and Deer away.

They just play @ the edge of my yard where it meets the woods.



Official Checked Star Member
My mother has had a fox living under her garden shed for years, just leave them alone they'll look after themselves ...... and I'll rep you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Actually, they're not going to hurt any domestic animals, as long as they have squirrels, chipmunks, and other assorted little creatures to hunt. In fact, they'll help keep the unwanted crap, like rats and mice populations down. If you have animals, just mind them, so they don't clash, and don't try to feed them, or make friends, Red is correct, they'll take care of themselves, and will leave you be, if you do the same. However, if you notice them acting aggressive, or see, or hear them fighting with racoons, or other animals the carry rabies, then You Might have to do it to be humane.
My answer depends on if there are children in the neighborhood. Foxes can carry rabies, and at the very least can bite and can be aggressive.

If no kids and no roaming pets, leave em alone I guess.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You should leave them be.


Who was here first is what we need to ascertain. ;)

Hey, at least it isn't a family of skunks that are taking up residency under your house, evicting them is definitely a job for the professionals... piss 'em off and you'll wish you hadn't! :hairpull:


Who was here first is what we need to ascertain. ;)

Hey, at least it isn't a family of skunks that are taking up residency under your house, evicting them is definitely a job for the professionals... piss 'em off and you'll wish you hadn't! :hairpull:

Did that actually happen to you?!? :eek: I can't imagine what it would take to get skunk stink out from under a house. :brick:


Lord Dipstick
They are not agressive at all.
They come out early morning and late at night and the babies just fuck each other up while the mother watches.

I look at it this way, if less cocksucking Deer and pain in the ass Rabbits and Squirrells is the trade off, they can live a long and happy life for all I care.

Theres no little kids in the neighborhood so theres no danger of them getting bit.

The only thing that I don't like is the bloodcurdling scream the mother makes at night sometimes.
I guess it's a defense mechanism to protect the babies from predators from what I'm told.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
They are not agressive at all.
They come out early morning and late at night and the babies just fuck each other up while the mother watches.

I look at it this way, if less cocksucking Deer and pain in the ass Rabbits and Squirrells is the trade off, they can live a long and happy life for all I care.

Theres no little kids in the neighborhood so theres no danger of them getting bit.

The only thing that I don't like is the bloodcurdling scream the mother makes at night sometimes.
I guess it's a defense mechanism to protect the babies from predators from what I'm told.

It's just like a freight train...pretty soon, you WON'T be able to sleep, unless you hear it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Buy them an Arwing and leave a book on piloting nearby. See what happens...


Lord Dipstick
It's just like a freight train...pretty soon, you WON'T be able to sleep, unless you hear it.

Doesn't do it too often anymore, if at all.

If it does ever get to that level, I will have the whole family eradicated.

I love to sleep.
I would say it depends on what else lives near you and how rural of an area you live in. If there are other animals that will want to mess with the fox or their are kids around it might be best to do something about it. Also being in the middle of a metropolitan area isn't really a good place for a fox as say by somebody that lives in a very rural area with very little people. I will assume since you live by the woods that the later more describes where you are.


They are not agressive at all.
They come out early morning and late at night and the babies just fuck each other up while the mother watches.

I look at it this way, if less cocksucking Deer and pain in the ass Rabbits and Squirrells is the trade off, they can live a long and happy life for all I care.

Theres no little kids in the neighborhood so theres no danger of them getting bit.

The only thing that I don't like is the bloodcurdling scream the mother makes at night sometimes.
I guess it's a defense mechanism to protect the babies from predators from what I'm told.

OK, well I just repped you and a deal is a deal and you can't mess with them now.

I'm glad we had this little chat. :thumbsup:
yeah if they're not bothering anything leave 'em be. foxes are cool animals anyway.