FOBBIT is a derogatory term for the current Middle Eastern Theatres of operation, similar to the 'REMF's of Vietnam (Rear Echelon MotherF#$%er)...
Wickipedia describes it as a combination of FOB (Forward Ooperating base) & JRR Tolkein's Hobbit, referring to personnel stationed at the 'secure' base and afraid/unwilling to leave it's confines.
Gotta love it when the armchair QB's the news orgs field have ZERO real world wisdom.
Whole epidose at Ft Hood is tragic; it's been galling to hear the 'amazement' of news orgs that the first repsonders who arrived while the shooting was going on 'performed in a calm manner.' WTF?!?! They are TRAINED to work under fire, you twits!
Kudos to the troops, & prayers to the lost, injured, & their families.