For those who drink to excess.....

Why do you imbibe?

  • To unwind

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • To forget

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • To have fun

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • Because life fuckin' sucks.

    Votes: 11 20.0%

  • Total voters
......why do we do it? I have my numb the pain of daily life that lately is spinning more and more wildly out of my forget the nagging thoughts and fears that whisper like demons in my ear give me a brief respite from the very act of thinking at all.

I am of the strong conviction as of late that life is a riddle that has no is all a cosmic joke of which we all are the butt of......and if I find that son of a bitch hiding somewhere out here in the vastness, behind a collapsing star, clutching the icy tail of a comet, or basking too close to the sun, I am going to pummel him, or her, and then calmly inquire if they are laughing now.

I am not enjoying being alive right now, though I suppose I have it "pretty good." Fair enough.

My feet are planted on the face of the dry moon, and I am trying to drown myself.


Just continue drinking until you hate the way it makes you feel. It may be 8o gallons of vodka, 320 gallons of Cranapple® and 350 lbs of crushed ice or it may be 3 gallons o - vodka, 12 gallons of Cranapple, you never know.

One day it will dawn on you though.

Aren't you currently schooling for your masters, IIRC ?
All of the above.

People use drugs because they work. That's one thing that is dependable.

But we all know that they really don't do anything to help the situation get better, and it usually just ends up making it worse.

You are the only one that can change your perspective on life. Easier said than done, I know. Hope that you can turn things around buddy.
I am not enjoying being alive right now, though I suppose I have it "pretty good." Fair enough.

I feel the exact same way. Life...isn't shit. But it's not good, and it never will be.

I drink because I have nothing else better to do. Which is quite often.

Wake up. Work. Drink. Pass Out. Repeat.
I don't drink very often, maybe once or twice a month. For me it's for fun, getting silly with a bunch of friends at the bar. But I do know a lot of people for whom it's an addiction.
Because it feels great, until you go to sleep. It's the sleep that fucks you up, it we wouldnt sleep we would all be fine :D


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
A little of everything listed, drinking can be an escape every once in a while.
But it can seriously screw with you too.
"Being drunk is a good disguise. I drink so I can talk to assholes. This includes myself." -- JDM

I drink to have fun. I use drugs to expand reality.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I drink because of all the reasons and more.

I very rarely get mad when drunk, so I consider myself safe.
I get social, so I can actually talk to.. and ask out.. and somehow relate to anybody when I'm drunk. Kids, teens, adults, females, males, old people, not the dead people tho. That's Wuce Brillis's shtick.

I drink to forget, and it's worked. It's mostly indiscriminate about what it clouds-over and buries.. thus every so often I'll find myself forgetting something actually important and relevant to current time. But, eh.. luckily I've almost completely forgotten my childhood. I mean.. I know what happened, I halfway remember the people.. but all the details are gone. Looked at a photo of some xmas party I was invited to as a young lad of maybe 10, 11.. had no recollection of that at all. I was watching the past in picture form and really couldnt tell you what happened before/during/after or what I did. Happy about that, never liked anything before 19. Bad times, bad people.

Life? It's getting better. :)
just remember drinking dont cure or slove any problems or pain it just coveres it up for awhile


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Why do I drink, you ask? To forget.

To forget about the pain. To forget about the work. To forget about the disappointment. To forget about the scars. To forget about broken dreams. to forget about failure. To forget about memories. To forget about remembering. To forget about yesterday. To forget about having to face tomorrow. To forget about her and what she did to me.

Masking my solitude, I retreat under oceans of proof
I take comfort in knowing I have friends in a bottle
Routinely, we unite

I grow anxious for night, for that is when I shall make my escape
Abandoning reality somehow makes me feel more human
I’m brought to ease as the moon sheds it’s light

I don’t know if my soul will ever forgive you
I don’t know if these wrongs will bring about right
I don’t know if this bed will ever get warmer
But at least I know I won’t be lonely tonight

Ounce by ounce, I soak myself in an effort to experience oblivion
My psyche, damaged by your scent, turns to the Devil for resolution
Release me from woe

The arms of heartache suffocate me in an emotional chokehold
I attempt to swallow you away, but my freedom is held captive
Prisoner of love, please let me go

I don’t know if the rain will ever stop blinding me
I don’t know if my heart will regain it’s sight
I don’t know if tomorrow will ever get better
But at least I know that I can drown you tonight


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'd say all the reasons above but if forced to pick one I'd say that I drink to unwind (escape is probably a better word actually). Not that I get shitfaced every night but I do drink every day. I like the way it makes me feel and it's a reward for a hard day's work.


Should of been multiple choice, because it's all four of them, depending on my mood.
I don't get shit faced any more, but, when I used to, it was just for the hell of it. I would just sit down and start watching tv, and the next thing I knew I had a half-empty bottle of Jack in my hand.
bill hick sums up my take on drinking, i don't remember exactly what he says but it's along the lines of: i used to drink but i quit cuz i was real fucking pathetic. kay? kay!
Just for fun, and only occasionally. I used to play in a band, and beer was like our fifth member. I found out, that when we weren't playing too much anymore, not jumping around and sweating up a storm, butstill got together and drank, I started to put on a beer gut. So I had to cut it back.

Gots to be preservin my girlish figure.

Now I pretty much only get smashed on holidays, or at parties.
I used to play in a band, and beer was like our fifth member.

What a coincidence, so did I! Man, some of the most productive nights of playing Rock Band that my roommates and I ever had were when we had consumed more than a 12-pack each. :beer:
i just LOVE to drink. and i drink nothing but beer (strong ones with %7-8ish alcohol, i guess you call this "ale") i find it very stupid to drink a few tequillas and then getting drunk right away and then falling to sleep or worse. the longer the time i spent drinking (not waiting in the process but drinking all the time) the better.

to unwind. and when you unwind that's also fun. don't you think?