For Johan, Stan, Dirk, Xfire, Mayhem, BobjustBob, Briana Lee, JinxyPie, FridayOnMyMind

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
:wtf: This thread was in the "Politics" section, so I'm just now seeing it.

As you can (now) tell, I steer clear of the political section. :tongue:

How's it going, guys?

I figured you wouldn't see it. :D I was just goofing around in response to a bunch of threads by a certain someone who wasn't getting his required dose of attention and was spamming the board with "call outs" a few weeks back. I pretty much just chose random names. I didn't mean to leave anybody out on purpose. But I "picked on" you cause you're all smart & sexy. ;)


Lord Dipstick

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Hey, hey :)

:wtf: This thread was in the "Politics" section, so I'm just now seeing it.

As you can (now) tell, I steer clear of the political section. :tongue:

How's it going, guys?

:dito: I only saw it cause you posted on here! Haha!

I do believe this is the first time I've posted in the politics section. May be the last as well! ;)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
:wtf: This thread was in the "Politics" section, so I'm just now seeing it.

As you can (now) tell, I steer clear of the political section. :tongue:

Hey, hey :)

:dito: I only saw it cause you posted on here! Haha!

I do believe this is the first time I've posted in the politics section. May be the last as well! ;)

You two just don't know what you're missing out on. The displays that we put on in here are all for show. Roald and Petra pay us each 5 cents per post to drive traffic. And the more outlandish posts earn 10 cents per post. Sam has over $63,000 in his account now. Actually, we're all the best of friends.

Will E. Worm is having a community fish fry at his house this Saturday. And me and my good buddy Sam Fisher are sponsoring a bake sale to benefit homeless people next Friday. Stan is bringing the brownies. Meesterperfect is going to treat us to some homemade fudge.

Come on by, girls. Join in the fun! And let me assure you, the rumors of someone getting shanked at the last get together are completely false. No one found a knife (or a body), and I only went downtown to the police station to answer a few questions.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
That's cool. Topics like Abortion and contraception are best discussed without women. :facepalm::surprise:

I think I may be offended by that but I'm gonna have to get back to you on that one cause I'm only allowed out of the kitchen for a certain amount of time everyday.....unless I'm in the bathroom cleaning it or ironing clothes.....

You two just don't know what you're missing out on. The displays that we put on in here are all for show. Roald and Petra pay us each 5 cents per post to drive traffic. And the more outlandish posts earn 10 cents per post. Sam has over $63,000 in his account now. Actually, we're all the best of friends.

Will E. Worm is having a community fish fry at his house this Saturday. And me and my good buddy Sam Fisher are sponsoring a bake sale to benefit homeless people next Friday. Stan is bringing the brownies. Meesterperfect is going to treat us to some homemade fudge.

Come on by, girls. Join in the fun! And let me assure you, the rumors of someone getting shanked at the last get together are completely false. No one found a knife (or a body), and I only went downtown to the police station to answer a few questions.

Ahhh so that's what happened to Dirk!!!