Sam Fisher
I just finished watching Money Ball, starring Brad Pit. If you haven't seen it, watch it. An excellent baseball movie! I'm quite certain you two baseball nuts will dig it.
I love sports but hate sports movies. The A's are a nice story, except they never won a title, now suck, and were supposedly money conscious but were really built around one superstar, Miguel Tejada.
What the fuck are you talking about? They have 9.
I think he means during the Moneyball era
I love sports but hate sports movies. The A's are a nice story, except they never won a title, now suck, and were supposedly money conscious but were really built around one superstar, Miguel Tejada.
I thought it was a well done movie. I have never followed the A's, but it being a baseball movie, I wasn't going to not watch it. I wish more teams would take Billy Bean's strategy when building a team.
Yeah, had it been directed at JUST those two, I would have messaged them. However...I often make threads that are better suited posted on someone's profile.
I figured others might enjoy the movie also.For Adronicus and Jagger... and anyone else interested.
How about that Sam, he didn't curse you for botching his namesake in your title.... amazing, isn't it... the positive energy of this game?
I say bats, balls & gloves to the Norko's, the Chinamen and the Persians... we can do this! :lovecoupl
Yikes. :surprise: Um... I didn't even notice that until he pointed it out. I guess I never really pay attention to thread titles. Yeah, that's still bad, isn't it? Fuck, I'm losing it. It's such an obvious misspelling. I should notice that.How about that Sam, he didn't curse you for botching his namesake in your title