Florence Henderson Dies at 82

Will E Worm

Ann Bradford Davis (May 5, 1926 – June 1, 2014)

Allan John Melvin (February 18, 1923 – January 17, 2008)

Robert Reed (October 19, 1932 – May 12, 1992)

Florence Agnes Henderson (February 14, 1934 – November 24, 2016)



Postal Paranoiac
RIP to one of the best TV moms. Not the first show to feature divorced couples, but the critics were still pretty harsh towards those nighttime scenes the Brady mom and dad did in bed together. Florence will be missed.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My Aunt Marge passed away last night in Omaha. She wasn't nearly as idyllic or famous as Florence Henderson. She spent about thirty years as a Dominican nun. She hated that life and she didn't like children, especially young children. But guess what assignment she received? Kindergarten teacher. I don't really know much about her or what she did when she left her order but she's always had health problems and it kind of surprises me at how long she lived. She was 85. Alzheimer's is the thing that finally got her. I hate that disease with every fiber in my being. My brother Marty said she donated her body to the Nebraska Anatomical Society and we'll have a memorial service there in the spring time.

It kind of brings the other recent, more notable deaths home a little.
Thanks Florence, RIP.

I needed you for the win ;)


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