Five reasons why aliens will make contact with the japanese first


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I like number 6.

I personally think Aliens will never visit in my life time. As cool as it would be, but I'd expect we wouldn't find anything until we left our section.

Japan shouldn't be sending naked pictures to Aliens unless they want them in bed with their wifes.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Number 6, very true. That's one reason I want to go there... :drool2:

But honestly, it is sort of true. The majority of the religious groups, are so content that we're the only things out here in the universe, why would any aliens come and talk any stupid American asses first. If you had instant proof that were weren't alone out here, first, the religious community would deny it, then declare some sort of holy war against them to further impose their so-called dominance. I'd love to see it happen. You know the Westboro dipshits would be leading the charge.


Postal Paranoiac
If aliens come here, they'll be so damned far ahead of us technologically that it won't matter to them who the hell they contact first. Oh...and E.T. is a fairy.
The Japanese will allow them to probe the shit out of them and they will turn it into a new sensational video game/reality show over there!

Boonga, boonga! Who alien probe first? Ai-yaaaaaa! How they do that so far in? Ohhhh
If aliens come here, they'll be so damned far ahead of us technologically that it won't matter to them who the hell they contact first. Oh...and E.T. is a fairy.

They may be ahead of us technologically, but they're still behind the Japanese.