he doesn't mean fit in a health way (at least i don't think he does)qweretyuiopas@ said:Paris Hilton sister is thin, fit I think carries a different definition.
*edit* Wait I may be writing my response from a different context than yours, does fit mean like person looks healthy and strong fit. Or do u mean fit like stek as in beautiful?
theadmanmufc said:'Fit' is a stupid, stupid term and I hate it. 'Fit' should apply to someone's fitness, not wether someone's good looking or not. It's a pet peeve of mine that damn word.
popeye said:I think it is worse than hot, a lot worse.
qweretyuiopas@ said:Paris Hilton sister is thin, fit I think carries a different definition.
*edit* Wait I may be writing my response from a different context than yours, does fit mean like person looks healthy and strong fit. Or do u mean fit like stek said as in beautiful?