Firefox 6

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I upgraded earlier this morning, but I haven't noticed anything drastically different. Still the same old Fox, but that's not a bad thing.

have not updated -- still using Opera 11 :thumbsup: and FF version 5.0
nope I use mainly google chrome at work and home ie8 and google chrome but not firefox


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Won't try it anytime soon, but I hope you guys have less memory leaks, less need of plugins and such. Enjoy! :)
In two words...

"It's shit"

My FireFox automatically updated, either yesterday or the night before. It's all the same as the 5th, but I preferred the 3.6-4.0 FF series.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
just in case folks have missed : this one from sq too : related :

I saw that thread earlier, but I'm glad you posted it. I came back on looking for something that was in it. Right now, I'm trying to watch an episode of a TV show that's not on any of the more popular sites (Hulu, SideReel etc.) and Firefox kept bogging down, so I tried Opera and it did the same thing. Maybe this CometBird will have better luck.
I upgraded earlier this morning, but I haven't noticed anything drastically different. Still the same old Fox, but that's not a bad thing.


Same with me. Although I did read some reviews where they said it was much faster, but I haven't noticed. Might be because I'm using an old Dell laptop.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I had some issues with some plugins, Firefox seems stuck on upgrading them, but wasn't doing anything. Other than that, it seems the same to me as 5.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
WTF now 6 is already out? Didn't 4 and 5 just came out with like 4 weeks in between?!

Yep. I read somewhere that they were fast-tracking new releases for some reason that made little sense.

IMO, it's just a pissing contest. Internet Explorer is up to version 9, Opera is at version 12, and Chrome is now at version 15. In reality, Mozilla probably felt like they were being too slow in releasing new updates, so they decided to increment minor releases quickly without using the decimal point followed by some new number.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
I updated and had problems. :rolleyes:

It seems my previous version was in a different directory, so the two kept conflicting. :dunno:

I uninstalled v5 and that lost everything. Luckily, I'm religious about backups (I only lost 2 sites, but I remembered what they were). After importing bookmarks, reinstalling plug-in's, editing my multi-row bookmarks, etc., everything is now running much faster than it was in v5, so maybe the problem was a blessing in disguise. Although, at the time, I cussed like a drunken sailor on shore-leave.
I never up'd to FF:6, I kept an archived 3.6, as soon as I dl'ed FF:5, I immediately uninstalled FF:5, and 'rolled back' to 3.6. As with 3.6 I had saved the configuration file, completely rebuilt, almost no original code...All the pages load on average 250-750 ms faster, also all adds/flash-ads/etc are non-existent as I killed them in the config code rebuild. I never 'upgraded' FF, I always uninstalled and kept: a copy of the rebuilt config code, bookmarks, and other macros that were hand-coded...then installed 'freshly' a copy of the new revision.

I never call the 'stepping-up' with browser releases 'new versions'... they are Revisions...and that's all they are... Also I find that the companies are in a 'pissing match' or a 'elitizing' stratification of who's better than the Connor previously said.