Come to think of it, it seems games anymore are losing their souls, and rather quickly at that!
Anymore a game is put out, and before you know it there is a patch to fix something, update something, or add something to the game. It just seems like a complete slap to the faces of people who truly appreciate video games and what they are. I do not remember ever having to download glitch/bug fixing patches for so many games on the PS2 or Xbox. I do not remember re-released games hitting the shelves because the first release of the game was so broken, or had a game ending glitch at some point for some people's copies.
One can argue the, 'well, it is new technology and they aren't used to it.' Well, was the technology not advanced and top of the line when making games on past consoles? I do not recall so many games, especially big title named games, having so many problems on the previous consoles before these current generation of consoles. And if there was a problem, it was more annoying than it was game breaking or aggravating in losing items, weapons, etc. in games.
A game was either made right, and went on to garner success; or the game failed! There were no patches to make it better. You either did your job right the first time, or move on and hope the second game does not fail. When a game came out, you played the whole thing from beginning to end! A sequel may or may not come out; nonetheless, you were not worried so much about bugs and glitches and patches and online downloads and buying more additions to the game!
Now, a developer seems to just make a game, test it here and there and send it out (hopefully around holiday season) and not worry about a thing. If many problems arise, make a patch! Send out additional parts of the game for purchase online; if not have online via console, tough luck.
I don't know, maybe it is just me again. But games seem to be heading in a typical direction of soulless abyss.
Do not mistake me for hating games, truth be told, I play many games across the board. I love games. Which is why I can write in an unadulterated fashion regarding what I am seeing nowadays compared to how it was when I first started playing games on the Atari and NES. Came a long way. But like many, many aspects of life, it is only sooner or later before the purity is lost and the whoring begins.
I will still always play games; enjoy games and not stop anytime soon. Just kind of adding onto what I was saying earlier in this thread regarding Final Fantasy, game studies, and how games are nowadays. Think of it as a "patch" to my previous thread! HAH