Films that were good not popular


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Know any films that were good to excellent, yet did not hit it big at the box office? Perhaps you would care to list them here.

One such film comes to mind, "The Producers". This film, starring Matthew Broderick, Will Ferrell, Nathan Lane and Uma Thurman had varied, unusual storyline, satire and drama. Excellent, it is peppered with hackneyed one liners, boring plot and gosh golly shock horror its a musical. Yet, in my mind, it is one of Will Ferrell's best performances. The acting was top notch, Uma a delight as always. I tolerated, hey, even liked Matthew Broderick for the entire movie.

The film worked. How do I know that? I went to see it on the big screen in Johannesburg, South Africa. They are a tough audience. They like action and comedy. That's it. Many will not own up to liking porn. The ladies watch drama and romance, when they can, as the men don't usually allow it. It has to be on the women's own time mostly. The South African audience does not do musicals, 'cept for the kid's with their recent 'High School Musical" and the one with Beyonce. Well, I was blown away. People in the audience were laughing. The cinema was quite full too, despite the movie being in it's second week.

Will Ferrell as the nazi sympathising beserker was so convincing, well enacted, it was a thrill and a joy to watch.

Know any other such movies? Those that were good or excellent but that not everyone went to watch?
There are many but the one's that come to my mind right now are:

Edmond - William H. Macy
Rescue Dawn - Christian Bale
Harsh Times - Christian Bale
Dead Man's Shoes- the film Shane Meadows wrote and directed before the bigger hit This Is England. A fantastic revenge tragedy, beautifully shot, with a great score and faultless performances


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Cable Guy; One of Jim Carrey's best, but not as popular as Liar Liar, Ace Ventura.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Bottle Rocket by Wes Anderson, staring Luke and Owen Wilson.


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Spice World - a masterpiece

I would like to get that DVD, just to watch it again. It wasn't all that bad. How many singgas (how Mel C says it) do you know wot can act 'alf as good?

I have a confession: I watched "New York Minute" with the Olsen sisters at least three times.

I burst into tears every time, it was so moving. Oh oki it wasn't but it was fun though.
Dangerous Things 2 is definitely underrated
Dead Man's Shoes- the film Shane Meadows wrote and directed before the bigger hit This Is England. A fantastic revenge tragedy, beautifully shot, with a great score and faultless performances

Awesome movie, I discovered it thanks to Netflix recommendations.

Right now I can't think of any, but there's a lot of them.