Feeling your age?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Anyone else feeling that bite of age? It might have been a slow transition over the years but dammit, at 26 I cant stay up all night without help. I cant drink without wanting to pass out. I dont have that teenage energy AT ALL anymore.

I can still fuck with vigor, I still have my skills AND my experience... but.. it's just not the same. I dont even FEEL it seeping away from me, I just.. NOTICE it.

Hey, you 30 and 40-something bastids. Come in here and make us feel better. At least for another few years. ::sighs::


Torn & Frayed.
Anyone else feeling that bite of age?


It might have been a slow transition over the years but dammit, at 26 I cant stay up all night without help
I can with no trouble.

I cant drink without wanting to pass out. I dont have that teenage energy AT ALL anymore.
I can,just don't want to any more

I have more now than I did then.

I can still fuck with vigor, I still have my skills AND my experience... but.. it's just not the same. I dont even FEEL it seeping away from me, I just.. NOTICE it.

So can I,it's different,and it's better.

Hey, you 30 and 40-something bastids. Come in here and make us feel better. At least for another few years. ::sighs::

I'm 38:D


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I feel the same way. I'm 27 and I feel beaten down. It's hard to get up every morning and it's even harder to fall asleep at night. Does it make sense? FUCK NO. But, it's my life and I guess I have to deal with it.

Life sucks. I just wish it would start sucking my balls so I could at least get something out of it.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
It seeps away alright...Then 40 hits like a wall of lead. It takes longer to heal, little aches you used to sleep off take a week to go away, you gain 6 pounds from eating half a pound of food, and exercise hurts more and is less effective.

Feel better yet?

You will gain more and different skills and experience. The ladies your age will be a lot "friendlier" (the few that still look OK). You gotta keep track of things you never even thought about before. Sodium levels, Cholesterol, your blood-pressure, et.al.

You will understand insurance, the bond market, and choosing your battles a lot more.

Try to stay positive is my best advice
I'm 35 and I exercise everyday, run 3 miles every Mon, Wed, and Fri. and take my vitamins.

I weigh 165 pounds, my waist is 30in. I feel great. I sleep soundly. I cut out red meat. Stop drinking as much as I used to, although I still smoke like a chimney.

I feel as good as I did 10 years ago.

I went through the same slump when I was 27, but I pushed through it. You can to if you treat your body right.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm 35 and I exercise everyday, run 3 miles every Mon, Wed, and Fri. and take my vitamins.

I weigh 165 pounds, my waist is 30in. I feel great. I sleep soundly. I cut out red meat. Stop drinking as much as I used to, although I still smoke like a chimney.

I feel as good as I did 10 years ago.

I went through the same slump when I was 27, but I pushed through it. You can to if you treat your body right.

Aaaaah, but do you feel as good as you did ELEVEN years ago?
Aaaaah, but do you feel as good as you did ELEVEN years ago?

tried to slip that by me, huh...aaaaaaaah!!

Actually.... I do. I don't feel my age at all. It might just be a case of genetics or the fact that I drink significantly less now than then and that I have a better diet and take the vitamins.

As long as 21 year olds keep hitting on me, I know I'm doing something right, and THAT makes me feel better! :thumbsup:


Torre - What's all this "without help" stuff ? The girl or the speed demon ? :D
or both ? !!!!

^ Me too, Stamp. ! I feel every bit as good as I did 10 years ago, except ten years ago seems like only 3.

You guys that feel beat up need a new mattress and box spring.
Dead serious. Dump the futon, stop sleeping on the floor etc.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Anyone else feeling that bite of age? It might have been a slow transition over the years but dammit, at 26 I cant stay up all night without help. I cant drink without wanting to pass out. I dont have that teenage energy AT ALL anymore.

I can still fuck with vigor, I still have my skills AND my experience... but.. it's just not the same. I dont even FEEL it seeping away from me, I just.. NOTICE it.

Hey, you 30 and 40-something bastids. Come in here and make us feel better. At least for another few years. ::sighs::

Kids... Maybe you 30 and 40's folks can help us 50+++ with our memories.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Torre - What's all this "without help" stuff ? The girl or the speed demon?

On the easy days, red bull. On the hard days.. amphetamines.

Not easy to get speed. Easy to get anything else, tho. I stay as natural as I can get, but some days.. it's nowhere near enough. Now I smoke maybe one cigarette per week, if even that. I dont do caffeine or drugs anywhere near consistently. I stay away from cholesterol and saturated fat, I take my vitamins and .. nothing. Genetics? Meh. Energy? It left me a few years back. Now I buy it in a can, in liquid form. A sip here and there keeps me awake. I got thru today without napping once from 1 can of blade. I shouldnt have to. I used to go 3 days without batting an eye.

Ehh.. hard living has taken it's toll. While this is all according to plan.. it'll take awhile to get used to the seesaw. Drink this, feel that. Down this pill, feel this good. Stay hydrated, filter out old lymph and keep exercising. Not much else to do. :shrug:
Anyone else feeling that bite of age? It might have been a slow transition over the years but dammit, at 26 I cant stay up all night without help. I cant drink without wanting to pass out.

Nope, I can still outdrink most people younger than me and stay on my legs longer than them. Please don't ask me how I feel the next day though...

I dont have that teenage energy AT ALL anymore.

I can still fuck with vigor, I still have my skills AND my experience... but.. it's just not the same. I dont even FEEL it seeping away from me, I just.. NOTICE it.

Hey, you 30 and 40-something bastids. Come in here and make us feel better. At least for another few years. ::sighs::

I've been a chain smoker since I've been 13, so I honestly don't know what vigor/stanima/energy you're talking about. :1orglaugh

You're older than I am Torre, so . . . . NO :rofl:


:thefinger :ban: ;) :D
In my case I think it's my job that's taking its toll on my health. It doesn't seem like it, but non-spotlit entertainment work is grueling, even brutal on the body at times. One can only work rock 'n roll for so long without it affecting one's life.

Many stagehands can't stay in a relationship for more than a few years because nobody likes to be the partner of a person who spends 18-20 hours a day, 6 days a week at work. That was one major reason for my most recent relationship to have ended. My ex complained that I neither took her out nor spent time with her. When you've been at work 120 of the last 144 hours the last thing on your mind is going on a date. She complained that we didn't make love enough. Well, I'd been hanging motors, pulling chains, and slinging 4 Ø feeder cable all week. When I got home at night my body was beat and I just wanted a shower and sleep, preferably in that order.

At times, sleep can be a seldom attainable commodity. Some events require insane amounts of hours of work. For example, a few years ago I did a 4-day run that consisted of Fiona Apple one day (9 am - 1 am), Poison the next day (8 am - 2 am), both stages of Ozzfest (3 am - 2 am), and a second day of Ozzfest at a different venue (4 am - 2 am). That's by far not an uncommon schedule for a stagehand. On runs like that, we resort to high doses of caffeine and other such energy boosters (during the aforementioned run I ingested a total of 33 Monster energy drinks). Some guys, mainly road guys, snort high amounts of coke and speed. I don't do drugs, and sometimes can't stay awake on my way home; some of my best sleep has come while I'm going 75 mph on highway 680 at 3 in the morning.

In general, stagehands tend to treat their bodies like crap. Our eating habits are less-than organic-friendly. We eat donuts and drink coffee all day. Most guys are either chain smokers, or potheads, or both. The nutritional aspect of our lives can be summed up by a t-shirt that I saw a guy wearing one time. It said, "Stagehand Food Groups - Caffeine, Nicotine, Grease, Sugar."

For road guys it's even worse. I've met several road guys that have been on the road for so long they don't have homes; they just have their mail sent to a friend's or relative's address. They generally can't have steady relationships because they're away from home for long periods of time (one guy I knew got a gig on a Rolling Stones tour a few years ago. He walked through his front door one day, and didn't walk back through it for 3 years). The road guys that are married or are in long-term relationships are usually married to girls also on the road. I once worked back-to-back nights with a husband and wife who were each on different tours; she was a sound engineer for the Smashing Pumpkins, he was a sound engineer for Ozzy. They hadn't seen each other in 2 months.

Yes, I do feel my age, or, rather, I feel the age of someone 10 years older than me. I don't know if there have been any studies made on the matter, but I think that stagehands age many times faster than people in other fields.
Yeah you 20 something bastids, next month celebrates 46 years of sex, drink, drugs and rock n roll :D Maybe I've reached a point where I can't feel anything so there's no worries :) but like the song, I'll sleep when I'm dead! Weed is better than it used to be, acid ain't, beers about the same, milfs are definitely the sexiest thing on the planet, 75% of porn is boring but you get by on the 25% of crazy shit! If something isn't working hit it, if it still don't work, hit it harder! :) And in the words of someone who's already been here and done it Jimbo Morrison, get your kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames! So, don't sit there pondering 'the age' question, switch off and party on :tongue: Leave a trail for others to follow :yinyang: Live on the edge, it leaves more room for boring fuckers in the middle :yinyang: We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars :wave:
I'm nearing 30 and I find my body stays sore or is spent a little extra time after a workout than it was years ago although it isn't much. Maybe it's just coincidence and it's not due to aging but in a way it's kind of disconcerting to me.
i thank god i have enough strength to lift oatmeal to my mouth in the morning
Sleep is the first thing you notice. At the mid twenties, one cannot stay awake an entire day or longer without feeling tired or loosing concentration.
Next, as you close to the thirties, comes the "jetlag" meaning that if you go to bed at different times and periods, you will wake up like shit :p
At thirty, not doing any sports will make you loose condition much faster than earlier.

No idea what comes next. I presume that around the mid-late thirties, one will start to feel every old wounds pain a bit more frequently than in earlier :p

Keep moving and getting your mind busy and everything else should be fine :p


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Hey, you 30 and 40-something bastids. Come in here and make us feel better. At least for another few years. ::sighs::

So I guess that means you don't want to hear from a really old fuck in his 50s, huh?? :1orglaugh