Federal official raid Gibson guitar factory


Federal Officials Raid Gibson Guitar Factories In Tennessee, Bozeman Plant Could Be Next

BOZEMAN, Mont. -- On Wednesday, agents with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the FBI hit Gibson Guitar factories in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee.

Gibson officials in Bozeman tell us the agents confiscated all of the Indian Rosewood, the wood used to make fingerboards for their guitars, as well as a number of computer files.

According to the Department of Justice, there's a question over whether the wood was cut and shipped illegally from India.

Bozeman factory manager, Dennis O'Brien, says all the wood is legal.


Anything to stimulate business


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That is really stupid. I feel for the 500 who lost their jobs.
i feel for the people who lost their jobs and this sounds a bit bogus...on the other hand, fuck companies who break the law if i break the law i go to jail or prison


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Government fucking up jobs I stead of creating more? Par for the course. Cue jagger comment.
fucking hell ! FBI ! any terrorists on the run folks ? !! :facepalm: :rolleyes:

u were warned ! :facepalm: :laugh:


^ :facepalm: :yesyes:

Well, fuck Gibson...they shouldn't make guitars so goddamned expensive
If there's a market for them, why shouldn't they produce a choice product?

Land yourself a decent paying job and you might be able to afford yourself a nice SG or sumthin... or is that also wrong... how dare one man be paid more than another, for this is Animal Farm!:1orglaugh

At least you get something for your expenses when buying a Gibson, unlike the government who seem to have less than nothing to show the taxpayers for their contribution... now that is expensive! :facepalm:



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The FBI can find illegal shipments of a product that is legal to own and use etc...

But the "war on drugs" can't seem to get off the ground after how many decades?

Nice :clap:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
How can wood be illegal?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I hear this raid was led by some Southern Baptist minister with one of those puritan hats and he was saying that rock and or rolling was the Devil's Music!


what the fuck you lookin at?
That is really stupid. I feel for the 500 who lost their jobs.

A government who already has a fucked up economy raids a factory. confiscating wood. As a result 500 people lose their jobs...how the fuck is this gonna help fix the economy?
A government who already has a fucked up economy raids a factory. confiscating wood. As a result 500 people lose their jobs...how the fuck is this gonna help fix the economy?

Well you can't allow illegal activity to go on just for the sake of jobs. Unless you wanna support Al Capone for keeping the police and bartenders employed.

Otherwise you create a precedence of an unstable economy translating to business opportunities and then a desire for a bad economy because you can make money on the cheap by illegal means.
another reason not to vote for obama for the next election, I feel really ashamed of the obama voters


Closed Account
It mainly deals with deforestation. Mahagony, for example, is harvested from plantations were specific trees (depending on age, size, etc) are cut. The raises the price, but there will be enough trees for more beds, floors, etc. The one thing is once the tree is cut, it really does not make a difference. So instead of trashing the wood, keep part as an example and while the trial goes through let them continue manufacturing. If the company is aquitted, no harm no foul. If they are found guilty, whatever profit the company received is seized & an additional fine is given.:2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well you can't allow illegal activity to go on just for the sake of jobs. Unless you wanna support Al Capone for keeping the police and bartenders employed.

Otherwise you create a precedence of an unstable economy translating to business opportunities and then a desire for a bad economy because you can make money on the cheap by illegal means.


Several people I went to school with lost their jobs when Drexel Burnham Lambert went bankrupt after the gubmnet got hold of Michael Milken.

If Gibson did nothing wrong, then the firm should be vindicated. If they did something wrong, then there is a price to be paid... whether they employ 10 people or 10,000 people. Bank of America employs almost 300,000 people. I guess that's an acceptable reason for not prosecuting them for money laundering in the Mexican Cartel scandal (that no one seems to know anything about :facepalm:).