Favorite type of female body in porn?

dick van cock

Closed Account
I don't care too much about the bodies. A pretty face, a nice smile are all I need.

Of what use are big boobs or a flat belly if the girl resembles a horse?

Johann Splooge

Closed Account
For those who do care, what do you like?

-Thin and skinny with no muscle think Amy Reid
-Thin with a toned slight muscular build think Vanessa Lane
-Bodybuilder look with big bloated muscles look and often manly jaw line think Rhonda Lee Quaresma
-All American look by having some extra weight with fat J-Lo booty (most common body type)
For those who do care, what do you like?

-Thin and skinny with no muscle think Amy Reid
-Thin with a toned slight muscular build think Vanessa Lane
-Bodybuilder look with big bloated muscles look and often manly jaw line think Rhonda Lee Quaresma
-All American look by having some extra weight with fat J-Lo booty (most common body type)
Among my favorites, the majority of models are probably somewhere between your third and fourth option. But honestly, I have favorites ranging from Velicity Von, to Exotica, to Monique Alexander, so that's a lot of different body types. I can't pinpoint the exact thing about models, whether it's their face or their body, that make them my favorites. There are just some I find more attractive than others, and sometimes it's just that they look different.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Pretty face, flat belly and big boobs(but not too big)
Amy reid..
Natural Rack, Nice Tan, Great Ass, Smooth Skin, Nice Eyes, Long Hair.
All American look by having some extra weight with fat J-Lo booty (most common body type)


skinny girls who got curves and boobs


knows petras secret: she farted.
i like em all. small girls, big girls, little girls, thin girls, i dont care. however, ive never been turned on by body-builder types.
I like many body types, not really really skinny tho, i like some cushin for the pushin. But I mostly like busty and BIG chicks.
Sorry, gotta disagree ...

I don't care too much about the bodies. A pretty face, a nice smile are all I need.
Of what use are big boobs or a flat belly if the girl resembles a horse?
Sorry, gotta disagree.
In pornography, the body is a key attribute, because it is the body that is in motion.
Then again, it's the body that I notice on any woman first, so it might just be me.
Size doesn't matter to me as long as they have the correct proportions. And even that can be displaced by sheer unbridled enthusiasm sometimes.