I'm not a fan of "Shaving Ryan's Privates".
1. The family on which the film was based on was a family I knew from my home town.
2. The film in general had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many GROSS inaccuracies. This wasn't "poetic license". This was just plain, flat out factual, ridiculous innacuracies.
3. I don't entirely agree with the ultimate message of the movie ("You've earned this". If you want to debate this, please start a new thread).
4. Last but not least - while I'm semi-glad that the film wasn't yet another cleansed and sanctified version of war a la Zanuck's "Longest Day" (et al) --- I'm still disappointed that the movie portrayed the enemy as mostly sadistic criminals bent on fanatical resistance with no sense of military character whatsoever*. Not to forget that our 'band of heroes' lived up to every stereotype known to Hollywood.
I liked - and still prefer - "The Thin Red Line" as a more representative "American World War II" movie. The Europeans of course, still out class us when it comes to WWII movies (Stalingrad and Das Boot come instantly to mind). "Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" are the other ones that I like (but then again, they're from Eastwood).
Now, if only some director could FAITHFULLY turn Eugene Sledge's "With the Old Breed" or "Goodbye Darkness" by William Manchester into movies....
... but I doubt that would ever happen. Hell, most people don't even remember the shock and horror the country was exposed to when correspondents reported the first day's progress on Betio....
BUT, I digress.
ANYway, from the list provided, my choices would be:
1. Road to Perdition (simply because it had the incomparable Paul Newman as well)
2. Philadelphia
3. Apollo 12
PS: When my kids were growing up, visiting fairs was a good part of their childhood. Many times, we'd come upon a "Zoltar" type exhibit. Hanks' movie "Big" had an impact upon my son as he was growing up. Just thought that I'd share....
* The enemy were not ALL "Seig Heil! I hate all Jews! Seig Heil! I hate Communism! Seig Heil! I hate America! Seig Heil!" type dumb morons. I'm not saying I have any sympathy or empathy or any kind of emotion for the NSDAP or that criminal, gangster regime that ruled Germany (save for utter disgust and nauseating revulsion)... I'm just saying the the 'enemy' (including the Japs) my Father and his cousins fought against were not the simplistic buffoons as portrayed in movies. That is all.