You have shown through the years what are your true political colors. In the thread about Hollande's victory, you have showed your joy that this douche was elected.
Yes, I showed joy, because I heard that he would be good for France. Since then I have had little time to keep track of 3rd world - sorry, French politics.
The Hollande Voters are mostly clueless students
Sounds like somebody has a chip on his shoulder... is it that you never got to go to Uni? Didn't pass the tests? Weren't smart enough? But now you're labelling those who did pass the tests and are ergo smarter than you clueless. Typical georges logic. Stop a moment and think; you produce so much bullshit that you have your own smiley :georges: What does that say about you?
I bet you're limp wristed and weak. It would explain your love of firearms; they would level the playing field between you and real men.
/social welfare cases unwilling to work people who are immigrants (coming from some very specific and well known countries) who have been leeching social security, free healthcare and appartments since decades as well as civil servants who are unwilling and unable to work in a competitive environment.
You know, I think criticism of those in power could be one area where we could agree...
Like I said in another thread I am not divorced from the reality
You are and you've shown it many times
. Petulant, yes but I am not afraid to say and describe things as they are.
you don't have a clue how things are.
I call a parasite a parasite. I never attached firework to cats but I am sure you did based on your insanity.
Is that the best you can do? Take my barb and throw it right back at me? You know the other thread where you denied being pathetic, but claimed I was? Well being unable to produce your own barb proves your pathetic and re-using mine shows that you're more pathetic than me
I have no sisters, so wrong assumption again.
And you think you have balls and rationnal thinking????
I know that I have and you haven't.
You have been proven wrong many times
I have the balls and integrity to admit when I'm wrong. You don't.
, so don't even get me started about your rationnality.
You're completely irrational
My mod powers have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. It is your way of selling and making a big fucking deal of socialism being the resolution to everybody's problem which is tiresome and completely desillusional. We will never agree but so be it
It's like you don't pay attention; I never say it will be the solution to everybody's problems, I say that it will be better than the current system.
We agree on some things. But you don't realise because you're divorced from reality; you don't pay attention to what I say, you just stamp me with a label and then believe that label to be correct. Exactly how you behave with the rest of the world.
Delusional and ignorant. Classic georges.