Fallout: New Vegas

Is anyone else excited about this game? Just saw the trailer with Ron Pearlman's voice at the end. Check it out here http://www.gamespot.com/news/6249453.html
Looks so damn cool... I hope they pull it off.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I thought this was a DLC add-on for Fallout 3? No? Stand alone game?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I want to know why Vegas has the lights on.

Also, I creamed myself when I saw the NCR soldier at the end.


Closed Account
The robot looks like a clap-trap from borderlands... Can't wait!!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've been wondering how the super mutants and centaurs will look in this game. They look a lot different in the first two games and apparently in canon the super mutants on the west are different than the ones in the east.

Hopefully they change centaurs. Or better year, not have them at all!
I've been wondering how the super mutants and centaurs will look in this game. They look a lot different in the first two games and apparently in canon the super mutants on the west are different than the ones in the east.

Hopefully they change centaurs. Or better year, not have them at all!

Nah fuck no I like the centaurs, they give me a heads up that I'm gonna fight some super mutants (lol stupid centaurs they never see me coming). I remember the first time I saw the centaurs in fallout 3 (I only saw 1 at that time) I was on my way to discover rivet city & 1 some how snuck up behind me, I was like "WTF IS THAT!?!?" but they are pretty weak.


what the fuck you lookin at?
teaser trailer. Go figure. I'll still check it out though cause I loved fallout 3 so I hope this one doesn't disappoint!


It is a stand alone. Made by some of the guys who made the First 2. Looks awesome... I hope it goes back to some of the darkness of the first games.

Jesus thank fook its Bethesda engine just with obsidian working on it. As in its sanctioned by them, You had me thinking of the old fallouts as in a bunch of them making a stand alone game.....Wouldnt have been cool now that I seen the greatness of bethesda's fallout.

Let the gambling and killing begin!

Jesus thank fook its Bethesda engine just with obsidian working on it. As in its sanctioned by them, You had me thinking of the old fallouts as in a bunch of them making a stand alone game.....Wouldnt have been cool now that I seen the greatness of bethesda's fallout.

Let the gambling and killing begin!

First off I liked the first two games and how they handled. I will give Bethesda some props for how they updated the system though. I take away points for taking out eye and groin shots. Also take away points for losing the mature vibe of the game.
Now for Obsidian there main problem is they take games and get rushed. NO quality control. If giving time to polish and time to develope I am sure the game will be great. I just want the dark mature humor back. Fuck this sanitized world that we were handed.


Obsidian are always screwed. Its like Bioware hands them the job of creating a sequel. KOTOR 2 which is awesome but if fully completed it would have probably blown the first one outta the water.....But nay microsoft had to be pricks about the thing and rush it. I know in everything there are time constraints but jesus you also got to be realistic about the thing as well.
Obsidian are always screwed. Its like Bioware hands them the job of creating a sequel. KOTOR 2 which is awesome but if fully completed it would have probably blown the first one outta the water.....But nay microsoft had to be pricks about the thing and rush it. I know in everything there are time constraints but jesus you also got to be realistic about the thing as well.

Yes they get screwed quite often. It wasn't microsoft that rushed them it was Lucas Arts. Although I am sure Microsoft had a hand in that. I just want a solid, wellbuilt game.... Something to let people know Obsidian is a major player.
sounds like the plot of Fallout Van Buren

( Legion of Caesar )

Now that i think about it yes it does have some of the same themes. But as has been said before it has some of the people that worked on the first 2 making this one. We will see what happens with the game soon enough.