Fairy Tales gone Hot

great post!!!

thanks. I'd rep you if i could

i repped him on both our halves ;)

i loved alice in wonderland most (one of my favorite stories ever)
i liked the pied piper too (again one of my favorite stories)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
J. Scott Campbell is a great artist, he should get back into comics again.
Awesome, awesome link!

The beauty and the beast one about a quarter of the way down the page, why does that seem so familiar to me...different characters but identical pose.
I think I might have ended up realizing I was lez, much earlier if the fairy tales and the heroines read to me looked like these do! WOW!


Holy shit, great find and post. Little Red Ridding Hood and Snow White are my fav.
Grrrrow those are the fairy tales I should always have been listening to.


Wow, that was actually hot! Or maybe I'm just really tired?...

Yeah, really tired. Goodnight.
Awesome, awesome link!

The beauty and the beast one about a quarter of the way down the page, why does that seem so familiar to me...different characters but identical pose.

I figured out the pic it resembled, but I cant find a copy online. Mystery solved.


Member, you member...
I find them strangely hot and sexy and feel a little unclean because I want to see the rest of each of the stories in pictures.
Remembder, most are children's stories telling a moral.
Don't put the mash on me - just sayin'.

Good pics. Cool find.

Member 1098

Closed Account
This is a great damn thread. I love the photos, the female cartoon characters.
I will give you get a rep +, for this lovely thread :)