Exodus series.


I'll tell you I'm surprised by it. It's an amazing show about living on other planets and what they may have on them. It's unbelievable that so many planets may contain ice/water.
I saw part of the one about mars but fell asleep, but not because i was bored, its always on to late.


I saw part of the one about mars but fell asleep, but not because i was bored, its always on to late.

I have Comcast so I watch them on demand.

I've seen
Exodus: Castillo, Mercury, and Venus

Exodus: Gliese 581c (right now), Mars, Titan tonight

I'm watching the newer episode "Gliese 581c". I'm sorry I'm really geeky when it comes to astronomy. I could never fall asleep during this show. It just captures my attention unlike most shows that are on TV. Most people would say the opposite of me when it comes to science though.

They prefer those crazy reality shows most of the time. I don't get those ones though.