Eve's sex tape

Haven't seen this news around here :) I heard that the tape is quite crappy though (only seen a few screenshots), but that there are also some pictures of this girl from a few years back, where she's fooling around with another chick.

Eve’s Sex Tape
Wednesday - June 29, 2005
Verbal Walker

R. Kelly isn’t the only individual that can make a sex tape. Eve has found herself amongst the likes of Paris Hilton, R. Kelly, Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson as the next in line to have a sex tape float around on the web.

Even though there is no actual intercourse on the footage, the clip features Eve and her ex getting it on using a sex toy. Her ex’s face is covered by her arm but there is a moment when Eve’s face is clearly visible for all to see. The clip is dated back to November 20th 1999 and since making its debut as early as this past Friday has made more than a few rounds on message boards.

According to MTV, a representative for Eve released the following statement, "This is a personal tape that was made years ago with her boyfriend of over two years. The fact that a private moment is being made public is a violation, and we would hope that people would respect her privacy as they would their own. Legal action has been taken to have it removed immediately."

The footage has been systematically removed since.
I've seen some of it with a dude using a dildo on her. It's from 99 and she has the very short hair.


It's good to be the king...
I've also seen it (well about 20 seconds or so). It looks like her.....but the quality isn't good.