Ever get aroused when you're stressed out?

I ask because yesterday I was driving up to Oklahoma to go to the lake but had a flat tire out of nowhere and had to replace it, drive 10-15 miles in the opposite direction to the nearest small town but the barn that sells used tires didn't have my size so I had to drive 15-20 miles to the next small town to find a Walmart or Discount Tire and all this in the summer heat and with the annoying fact that my weekend plans are totally ruined. But as all of this is going down I don't know if it was the stress or the heat or if my swim trunks were on too tight but I was kind of getting worked up if you catch my meaning. I was wondering if this happens to anyone else.
Nah, stress makes me not do anything. Already spent like 2 weeks or more without cumming because I was stressed
Op, people who feel this way often turn out to become serial killers and rapists.

....just saying.

Antonella Kahllo

Official Checked Star Member
When i get stress out I just want to eat oreos with a glass of milk:dunno:

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
LOL geeze don't imply he's a serial killer or a rapist.. crikey.

It's probably just your bodies way of trying to get you to release endorphins so your stress doesn't make you unhealthy.

I'm with Antonella on this though, I get hungry not horny.
Way more likely to get horny if my body has already been satiated with delicious food :p


Closed Account
No, I can't say that that is the case with me. When something has stressed me out, usually my day is ruined. I pretty much have to just let it run its course and wait for the next day to start anew.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm never stressed.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/antonella-kahllo said:
Antonella Kahllo[/URL][/B], post: 9078961, member: 945668"]You are a very bad boy Adam hehe:rofl:

Speaking of being bad.. [flirt] I know something that you don't know ;) [/flirt]