Ever Find A Girl In Your Favorites That You Weren't Aware Of?


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Just an hour ago I was browsing my favorite models list and came across Teen Kasia. The name sounded unfamiliar to me so I decided to check out her pictures and videos and she's pretty damn sexy. I'm glad I found her because she's exactly the type of blond girl that I love. But I honestly have no memory of her or ever favoring her. It's almost like I put her on my favorites list so the future me could check her out for later. Seriously, I don't remember doing it. It's the weirdest thing that's happened to me all day.
I found a girl chained up in my basement that I wasn't aware of

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I often (really often) save Hot girls in my favorites every time I find a new one, usually searching for an ID, Its become a Index of Hot Babes. Nothing under a 8.
One day I found a 2 (BBW) in there I was thinkin maybe someone was messing with me..............
*narcisissistic blather*

I tried to keep the bare minimum of Crystal Raye and Piper on my faves but I couldn't keep that. I have about 20 or so faves but it should be more like 20,000. That's like 40,000 hot tits.


Every few months I go through my Favorites and find all kinds of performers that I am not familiar with.

I will often favorite a performer essentially as a bookmark.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
A majority of my favorites are retired that's how far back I go.