Eve Angel loves FreeOnes (pic)

aint she a sweety ;)


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I've always thought she was Lovely :thumbsup:

How about a "SeraphiM" sign Eve :thumbsup:
High heels can make a womans leg more shapely but I've never understood why nude models insist on standing on their toes when they're barefoot. I think it looks very silly, can't they just stand on their feet like a normal person?
High heels can make a womans leg more shapely but I've never understood why nude models insist on standing on their toes when they're barefoot. I think it looks very silly, can't they just stand on their feet like a normal person?

This is a common occurrence amongst our porn star/nude model types I agree. The reason for this is nothing other than simple fake physiology. The reason we see so many lovely ladies pose in such a way can be put down to all that lying on their backs they do during their working hours. Not enough time on your feet can do major damage to the overall structure of the foot if you’re not careful; the flesh, bone and cartilage all become weak and are prone to periods of elasticity superseded by periods of great hardening. So much so that their arches for the most part completely cave in and fuse the foot into that shape, for life. Meaning they have to walk on their toes until that faithful day comes in which they cannot take the strain anymore and completely retract back into the foot leading to in many cases trips and many a sprained ankle.

It's sad really, but that's the price they have to pay.