Europe's First Farmers Were Immigrants

ScienceDaily (Sep. 4, 2009) — Analysis of ancient DNA from skeletons suggests that Europe's first farmers were not the descendants of the people who settled the area after the retreat of the ice sheets. Instead, the early farmers probably migrated into major areas of central and eastern Europe about 7,500 years ago, bringing domesticated plants and animals with them, says Barbara Bramanti from Mainz University in Germany and colleagues.
I thought that's what everyone always figured? seems kinda obvious.
I thought that's what everyone always figured? seems kinda obvious.

Well, no.

That everyone emigrated from Africa & thus immigrated the rest of the world is accepted, but some believe(d) that those humans that settled into Europe 45000 years ago developed agriculture independently or copied from Middle-Eastern & Asian cultures.

Scientists have apparently been arguing whether we've descended from European hunter-gatherers or European farmers, but this article proves that there never was such a thing as a European farmer.

By comparing DNA they've been able to prove that the DNA that was very common amongst the hunter gatherers is very rare amongst the (Central) Europeans of today and that the DNA belonging to the early farmers is more common (although it would be wrong to claim that they're our ancestors, since there's still not a 100% match).

What I don't see in this article is if/how they took immigrants that arrived after agriculture had already become well known across Europe & often replaced (killed) previous inhabitants into account. Take the Huns, Slavic peoples (first mentioned in the 6th century AD by Ptolemy, so it's reasonable to assume they immigrated), etc. & whether they took DNA samples from Iirsh & Scottish people (Mostly descendants from Celtic & Pictish peoples, the dominant peoples of Europe, even after agriculture had become well known.)


Banned don't know nothin'!
The ancestors of us all arrived in Intergalactic spaceships , and they walk among us today!
They Live!:bowdown:

Well, no.

I didn't mean that so literally, just that it seemed the evidence pointed more towards this theory, and it apparently does.

I've been reading a bit about how north African and middle eastern (IE. Muslims) people impacted the genealogy of Europe and how this has been largely whitewashed (pun intended) by the Catholic Church. In particular that these people brought Christianity to Ireland and that Saint Patrick is a myth. Not totally convincing, but there's some evidence that makes a strong case.


HELLRAISER, Is there an underlying ulterior motive in this thread or is it simply educational /general info ? You didn't offer any commentary so....
