Oh please, VV, slam your head in a toilet.
Please, that's one of his favorite hobbies. If you REALLY want to insult him, tell him to go to church
I was in church last Sunday.
Or tell him his penis is looking whole and unpierced.
They will see it when the Muslims take over.
That's weird... it looks like an american presenting guns as though only america manufactures then, yet the MG is Belgian and the machine pistols are German. I'm not sure, but I believe the shotgun to be an Italian model.
The carbines? Variants of the infamously shitty M16.

Try again, ameritards.
Meanwhile, Europe, quel surprise, remains whole, predominantly Christian and not overrun by Moslems.
Mods, can we please close this thread before it turns into a flame bath? The yanks are sore because they think they have a Moslem in the white house and it's making them annoy me with patent falsehoods.