ESPN fires announcer for calling female colleague 'sweet baby'


Hiliary 2020

It says: It's yet another incident at the sports network in which a female employee has been subjected to harassing behavior by a male co-worker.

Yeah maybe, or maybe some women and anybody else that makes a big deal out of these things needs to lighten the fuck up.

I've seen so many men in my life in the workplace get crucified for crap like this.
Including myself.
Men have to walk on egg shells these days, watch every word they say, even how they look at someone, terrible.
I realize not all women are feminists in the USA but the ones that are are taken way to seriously, they should be ignored instead of having their asses kissed.

I suppose now this woman will sue for millions and get it.
What happened to that country anyway?
Was discussing this in the office today... the comment was "old school" guy talk and in a bit of poor taste, BUT you would think a woman covering a hyper-masculine men's sport would have a bit thinker skin. I mean, if a guy called a co-worker an asshat, they would work that shit out. But if you call a woman anything, you get sent to the showers. Equal treatment? This is not equal. If she had called him a dickhead or something, nothing would come of it...

And I really like the guy as a commentator, but her only job is to say something every 30 minutes from the sideline, and she's not very good at that... :2 cents:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Franklin was reprimanded after a complaint was made about his behavior toward Edwards at a meeting. "Why don't you leave this to the boys, sweet baby?" Franklin allegedly said. When Edwards objected to the derogatory language, Franklin responded, "okay then, [expletive]."

The guy sounds like a condescending little cunt.
He had to go. I'm shocked it was him. I liked him whenever I he was on a game. :dunno:
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I'm sure it would have been alright if he hadn't of said: Leave it to the boys, sweet baby.

He might as well said suck our cocks while we discuss, sweet baby.
If I'm not mistaken Franklin was suspended for another incident and this would be the second.


Hiliary 2020
Or they have to not be bastards, they have to fix the way they think, and have to stop being demeaning for no good fucking reason.

Seems pretty reasonable to me, actually.

oh lighten up.
i could see if he called her a fucking cunt.
jokes, light hearted, no offense intended messin around.
like i said lighten up america, you look like a bunch of scared, pussy whipped faggots and the women look like power hungry baritone butches.

she is a women right? she has a vagina?
its the same as if she said back to you tough guy or something of the sort.

you know women want to be treated equally but that can not fully happen as long as men have to fear their lives being ruined from one misunderstood joke or remark.

sorry sweetheart but thats how i feel.
I don't like this. Sweet-baby, I wished girls called me that more often.

I kinda liked Franklin, though I thought he was trying too hard to be appealing in recent years. When I think of ESPN College Football, I remember watching classic SEC games to the tune of Ron Franklin, Mike Gottfried, and Adrian Karsten. Now one is fired, one has disappeared off the face of the earth, and the other is dead.
oh lighten up.
i could see if he called her a fucking cunt.
jokes, light hearted, no offense intended messin around.
like i said lighten up america, you look like a bunch of scared, pussy whipped faggots and the women look like power hungry baritone butches.

she is a women right? she has a vagina?
its the same as if she said back to you tough guy or something of the sort.

you know women want to be treated equally but that can not fully happen as long as men have to fear their lives being ruined from one misunderstood joke or remark.

sorry sweetheart but thats how i feel.

So if a male announcer on ESPN referred to a male correspondent as "sweet baby" it would be ignored? How 'bout if he referred to him as "hot ass?"

How about if we just treat each other as professionals in our field, and eliminate all pet names?

I'm light, I don't need to lighten up. I just don't like shit like this, mostly because they aren't jokes.


Hiliary 2020
So if a male announcer on ESPN referred to a male correspondent as "sweet baby" it would be ignored? How 'bout if he referred to him as "hot ass?"

How about if we just treat each other as professionals in our field, and eliminate all pet names?

I'm light, I don't need to lighten up. I just don't like shit like this, mostly because they aren't jokes.

how about if we all stop living in a politically correct world and allow men to be men and women to be women like it used to be instead of looking for sexism and racism in everything because we are over indulged, spoiled and bored.

you know how many men have lost their jobs because a woman blew something they said out of proportion or just plain lied?
it happens everyday, all the time in that country.
and even when companies know the claim is bullshit they still fire the man for fear of legal action.
its a hostage situation nothing more.

I'll tell ya this board is perfect proof of whats happened to the united states.
we got this thread where a guy gets fired for joking with a women and everybody's like "good he deserved it" instead of calling it for the bullshit that it is.
why? because men have lost their balls there and are now feminine, scared little cry babys who are afraid to stand up for themsleves.

we got another thread here today with a guy joking about a future white genocide of the white race and how they will deserve it and everybody's like" oh that stho funny" when they should be like " fuck you".

its a Candy Ass country now, they deserve what happens to them. they let it happen.


Hiliary 2020
true sweet busty.
this new girl i'm seeing is making me wait, i've been sleeping bad and i dont smoke weed anymore.........wish i had some old west Laudanum.

but i'm sincere in what i wrote.
men as a group have lost their balls in that country and its effects are apparent in the whole way of life there.
to me its disturbing and sickening.

thank god ( no offense to atheists or left wingers, or anybody else who may not believe in God as I do, but its just an expression like holy cow or for petes sake not to be taken literally so if I've offended anyone but saying this I apologize immensely) that people can still speak freely here at Freeones.