EPA takes first step toward climate change regs


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Environmental Protection Agency concluded Friday that greenhouse gases linked to climate change "endanger public health and welfare," setting the stage for regulating them under federal clean air laws.
The EPA action marks the first step toward imposing limits on pollution linked to climate change, which would mean tighter rules for cars and power plants. Agency officials cautioned such regulations are expected to be part of a lengthy process and not issued anytime soon.

Limits on carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases would have widespread economic and social impact, from requiring better fuel efficiency for automobiles to limiting emissions from power plants and industrial sources, changing the way the nation produces energy.

In announcing the proposed finding, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said it "confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem now and for future generations." She reiterated that the Obama administration prefers that climate change be address by Congress through broad, economy-wide limits on climate-changing pollution. But the EPA finding of endangerment prepares for possible regulatory action if Congress fails to act.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., whose Environment and Public Works Committee is considering climate legislation, said the EPA finding—stalled by the Bush administration—is long overdue but that "the best and most flexible way" to deal with the problem is for Congress to take action on a broader approach.

Friday's action by the EPA triggered a 60-day comment period before the agency issues a final endangerment ruling.

The agency said in its finding that "in both magnitude and probability, climate change is an enormous problem" and that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases "that are responsible for it endanger public health and welfare within the meaning of the Clean Air Act."

The EPA concluded that the science pointing to man-made pollution as a cause of global warming is "compelling and overwhelming." It also said tailpipe emissions from motor vehicles contribute to climate change.

The EPA action was prompted by a Supreme Court ruling two years ago that said greenhouse gases are pollutants under the Clean Air Act and must be regulated if found to be a danger to human health or public welfare.

The Bush administration strongly opposed using the Clean Air Act to address climate change and stalled on producing the so-called "endangerment finding" demanded by the high court in its April 2007 ruling.

The court case, brought by Massachusetts, focused only on emissions from automobiles. But it is widely assumed that if the EPA must regulate emissions from cars and trucks, it will have no choice but to control identical pollution from power plants and industrial sources.

Congress is considering imposing an economy-wide cap on greenhouse gas emissions along with giving industry the ability to trade emission allowances to mitigate costs. Legislation could be considered by the House before the August congressional recess.

Ohhhh gooooood, the EPA implementing more restrictions that will force even more money out of yours and my pocket and force even more businesses to run away from America... Hey it might even make those really evil auto manufacturers go backrupt too!!

Yeah! [sarcasm]
Hey Stampede2873, have you seen any of those commercials on the business networks where foreign countries are asking that people and places invest in them, since were just dying to chase business away from here.
Well hopefully the Junk Science that was used to conclude that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is closed system will be revealed to enough people that true greenhouse gases like ground level O3 (created by ALL electric motors and generators) can actually start being looked at like they should be.


Hiliary 2020
more GOV in your face.
I swear it seems this administrations main objective ( which I knew way before he got elected) is too put ALMOST everyone in the poorhouse.
make everyone regardless of how hard they work financial equals and dependant on the monster.
Yeah. Who needs to breath clean air anyway. Breathing oxygen is just Big Gov't bullshit. This brown air smells just fine for me. And I don't need a gov't issue gas mask. I can pay for my own from China. I place my trust in the free market to protect me. Those chinese gas masks that are on sale at WalMart are cheaper than an American-made gas mask so it is of course far superior to expensive American made gas mask. Hey, I think I have a coupon--Buy 1 get 1 free!
Well hopefully the Junk Science that was used to conclude that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is closed system will be revealed to enough people that true greenhouse gases like ground level O3 (created by ALL electric motors and generators) can actually start being looked at like they should be.

Yeah it's unbelievable how the world's most eminent scientist regularly employ junk science to further their lies to the ignorant unwashed masses. But you know better somehow.

Yeah it's unbelievable how the world's most eminent scientist regularly employ junk science to further their lies to the ignorant unwashed masses. But you know better somehow.


I hope that was intended to be funny because actual scientists did not use the Junk Science Al Gore did, then he got a meteorologist to put his name on it. NOT a Climateologist or even a qualified Enviromental Engineer.

It's Junk science because it ingores basic science.

Photosynthesis converts CO2 (Carbon dioxide) into O2 Oxygen. Everything that breathes air or burns Oxygen creates Carbon dioxide. If there are more people on the planet and more Oxygen breathing animal than ever before more Carbon dioxide will be produced than ever before.
All Electric motors and Generators create Ozone or O3 this is a gas that when created at ground level stays at ground level and creates a low level greenhouse effect due to it's layering properties. There is no process in nature to dissipate or eliminate O3 it is a closed system so all the O3 that is created at ground level stays at ground level.

btw global warming is a work of pure political fiction
Well, you just tore back the curtain on the great scam of America, and the world. The Science-Industrial Complex has been running amuk since the dawn of man, making fools of us all....
Well, you just tore back the curtain on the great scam of America, and the world. The Science-Industrial Complex has been running amuk since the dawn of man, making fools of us all....

Ground level O3 has only existed since man started generating electricity.
Hmm. Well, seeing as Ben Franklin ran out of his house in Philly with his kite and key back in..what the 1780s....we've been generating electricity for awhile?

What do we do with all the free carbons in the atmosphere that are the result from the engines of business--the stinky factory, the belching semi-truck, the wheezy automobile?

We keep cutting down trees.