But I digress... you make some serious accusations...can you point out a specific racist platform or declaration by the GOP? Not the usual general GOP bad, Dems good BS, but a specific racist GOP policy, plank, or official declaration from a GOP leader.
They can't. In all honesty, the few areas where the GOP (
not the right-wing media analysts)
has taken issue with her, is in the
full context of some of her statements. Some were made in jest, but others were made in great and pure, racial arrogance. Some of it was troubling indeed, because it went beyond the "experience for viewpoint" and into the "no viewpoints are valid but these."
I honestly wish people would separate the right-wing media analysts from the Republican leadership and representatives. They are
not saying the same things. That's the left painting Rush Limbaugh as the leader of the GOP, because he's easy to disregard. But when Republicans actually agree with the Democrats in some areas, but not others (and not just Rush's "anything but Obama"), that's what the leftists -- let alone minority-driven PACs -- don't want to address.
The NAACP is a racist org, the Black Caucus in the Senate is a racist group, it's odd that you only mention White Cultural groups as "racist" bad
I actually have to also agree with you here.
I've noted that the NAACP has been at odds with the Urban League on many occasions, and the complaints of the Urban League are legitimate at times. The Urban League seems to be honestly concerned with underprivileged minorities in a broad sense, whereas the NAACP doesn't even make it about race, but seems to expense some for even already affluent African Americans. The Affirmative Action v. 10% Rule on college entrance is one area where the two differ.
Furthermore, the Pendulum Swing of the Democrats from the "more racist" past the "equality stake" of the Republicans to the "more affirmative" post Democrat LBJ + Republican Congress Equal Rights Act constantly makes me wonder at what people will "wake up" to the fact that Republicans went from being "radical" on civil rights for 100 years to "conservative" for the last 30-40, and why is that?
Lastly, the Duke LaCrosse fiasco caused not merely myself, but even some in various minority organizations to question the systematic destruction of civil liberties in a, now, opposing manner. One has to wonder how much the term "racist" has been diluted in any age where disagreement defines it, instead of actual racism. The constant barrage of that term towards Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and anyone people disagree with tends to cause that.
I mean, Rush is a hypocrite and an asshole, but hardly a racist, let alone he's purposely confrontational (like much of the analyst media). Worse yet are the African Americans involved in Rush's media organization who are called Uncle Toms. O'Reilly is just an overbearing asshole at times, but he's actually very moderate in his individual views on marriage, rights and whatnot, and not afraid to admit when he's wrong (e.g., WMD's in Iraq). Calling O'Reilly a racist for merely exposing the systematic issues that Affirmative Action is causing is also diluting the word.
Even Obama is the son of an African Immigrant. As much as he claims he has been exposed to many aspects of being an African American, and represents much, I think he overplays it to the point that one must question the sincerity of it at times -- at least in the context of African Americans of many generations, systematically denied education and opportunity, which has fucked them for generations upon generations of off-spring, unlike Obama's opportunities which he had plenty. Obama is not this "I pulled myself out of the hood" character that some people try to associate him as.
That's what gets to me. The NAACP makes it about race in everything, underprivileged or not. Organizations like the Urban League makes it about education and opportunity of the underprivileged. And the Duke LaCrosse episode utterly destroyed my faith in any ability for anyone who is not considered a minority in popular culture to have their civil rights respected. Even worse was the fact that any minority leader that "grew a conscience" was threatened with professional suicide by speaking out about the team's civil liberties being systematically violated.
At some point, people have to realize that no matter how one feels "fucked by the system for generations," equally fucking someone else in return does not make things "better." It just shows that one can be just as capable as another, when it comes to racism and denial of basic, civil liberties.