How about the USA bringing all of its troops home, secure our country, save money and mind our own fucking business for once. For some reason no president sees this as a course of action.
How about the USA bringing all of its troops home, secure our country, save money and mind our own fucking business for once. For some reason no president sees this as a course of action.
How about the president actually does something that he said he would. He stated numerous times that he would increase the fight on AQ in Afghanistan. I am sorry but the actual cost is $961,055 where did the extra 38,000 come from? These troops, for the most part 18-20 year old kids, are out there giving thier life for this country and all you can do is bitch about how much it fucking cost? Unfuckingbelieveable!
These troops, for the most part 18-20 year old kids, are out there giving thier life for this country and all you can do is bitch about how much it fucking cost? Unfuckingbelieveable!
Lucky I'm not American.
Does not surprise me at all, the GOp party has lost it roots years ago.I bet it surprised you too that the Republicans didn't want to pass the GI Bill 2 legislation back in '08 huh? Without McCain rallying votes from the GOP it might not have passed. Imagine if that bill didn't pass, because of a lack of GOP votes, during an election year![]()
Apprently the next thing is War of AQ as Obama stated yesterday.How did we go from destroying those responsible for 9/11---to getting rid of Saddam---to "fighting insurgents"---to ??? What's next?
Everything costs money and lives. The only good news is we finally cut off and kicked Blackwater out of 'operations' about wasting money. We might as well flushed money down the toilet than pay/hire Blackwater![]()
Money and blood, blood and money go together like milk and honey. That can't be right. Money and islamic fundamental, terrorist blood to spill, that's the real fun way to kill. That can't be right. So confused I think I'm turning American. Scared of people in undies. Mommy won't let me fly.
How about the president actually does something that he said he would. He stated numerous times that he would increase the fight on AQ in Afghanistan.