Dutch Govt Looks To Ban "Shroomers"


Dutch Government Seeks To Ban Magic Mushrooms

The Dutch cabinet has proposed a ban on the sale of all hallucinogenic "magic" mushrooms because they could induce life-threatening behaviour.

A bill will now pass to the Dutch parliament, where a majority of lawmakers are expected to back a ban after a teenage French girl who had eaten mushrooms died jumping from a bridge in 2007.

While dried magic mushrooms are illegal in the Netherlands, fresh mushrooms can still be bought openly in so-called "Smart Shops".


Bummer !
In recent years the Netherlands has looked to shed its "anything goes" image and has tightened laws on drug use and prostitution.

"If they succeed with this mushroom ban then I am sure they will try to ban things like cannabis as well. This is part of a wider trend,

:sing: Anything Goes :sing: . . . . . no more ? :o
It's fucked up. 90% of the incidents that happend in Amsterdam over the last 10 years where due to tourist. They go to the smartshop. buying shit loads of the stuff en munching it away in record speed. When after a hour nothing happens they eat another serie. O.D them selfs. They eat mushrooms not knowing anything about what it does an how it does it. When the trip gets serious and they cant controle it any more they flip. (See the frech teenager)
I like to eat them, it shows a differnt state of mind.

when they are going to ban marihuana I will go protest. because then they should ban sigarets and alcohol to! It's all because the christian government.

I say legalize marihuana and XTC...
It's fucked up. 90% of the incidents that happend in Amsterdam over the last 10 years where due to tourist. They go to the smartshop. buying shit loads of the stuff en munching it away in record speed. When after a hour nothing happens they eat another serie. O.D them selfs. They eat mushrooms not knowing anything about what it does an how it does it. When the trip gets serious and they cant controle it any more they flip. (See the frech teenager)
I like to eat them, it shows a differnt state of mind.

when they are going to ban marihuana I will go protest. because then they should ban sigarets and alcohol to! It's all because the christian government.

I say legalize marihuana and XTC...

You're damn right, my friend.
The new Christian Cabinet wants to make my countrie the most righteous
country in Europe, I guess.
I have a bipolar political personality.

today I think i'll go with the platonic approach that people are stupid and they need to be told what to do. so this is probably a good idea.

making them illegal isn't going to stop anyone that really wants to do them (or anything for that matter) but if people are dumb enough not to know anything about drugs, then they probably won't be smart enough to figure out how to get their hands on any if they are harder to come by.
shrooms that i have taken have not suggested that i jump from a bridge,
they told me that doing such things would be unacceptable time away from deep and intense masterbation. we allow the projected types to explain the nature of life to the thoughtful............should we ban bridges? well we cannot ban stupid people, there'd be no one here to tell us about the affects of mind altering substances!
Dammit. I wonder what else they'll ban over there. I think I'll have to rethink Amsterdam as a vacation destination now.


If you don't know what the hell you're doing, you shouldn't be trying to trip. Stupid people ruin everything is the moral of the story.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Dammit. I wonder what else they'll ban over there. I think I'll have to rethink Amsterdam as a vacation destination now.

Shopping on Sundays in Almere and eventually the rest of the NL's shopping Sundays 1x a month...he who forgets eggs, bread, and milk on Saturday are heathens!!!!


Only if toxic a look alike clone were to rear it's ugly head would I advocate that psilocybin mushrooms be deemed illegal. Otherwise, just maintain you lightweights !. I never really cared much for the psychedelics, in my day(s), are they really popular in The Neth ? If so, I'd imagine that they're popular at raves and general club jumpin, yeah ?
Dammit. I wonder what else they'll ban over there. I think I'll have to rethink Amsterdam as a vacation destination now.

Wait some years and Amsterdam isn't very interesting to visit anymore. In about 10 years: no coffeeshops, no Red Light District, cars not allowed downtown Amsterdam etc etc.

Only Madama Tussaud, the Albert Cuypmarket and Ajax.

Damn, I'm glad not to live there.