As most of you are probably aware there's a very important referendum on it's way in Turkey. It's about whether or not to abandon the parliamentary system and introduce a presidential system which will grant Erdogan enormous power. Turkish politicians wanted to hold political rallies in Germany and The Netherlands to convince the Turks living there to vote yes in the referendum. Turkey in on a fast track to becoming a full fledged dictatorship and should Erdogan win he has the power to take over Turkey in its entirety and crush any form of opposition. My government (and Germany's government) isn't too keen on helping Erdogan to achieve this so they already cancelled a few public rallies. My government was in talks with Turkish politicians to resolve the issue but than the Turkish foreign minister threatened with severe sanctions and they called the Dutch government Nazi's and fascists (same with the German government). That was the last straw and Mark Rutte, the Dutch PM, revoked their landing rights. Imo it was the only right decision. Erdogan is behaving like a power hungry psycho and he attacks anyone who dares to criticize him. I just hope that Germany and the rest of the EU will follow the example set by my government in sending a clear message to Erdogan that we will not support the formation of a dictatorship in Turkey.