Drunk storytelling time...come along with me

This thread will be about your most memorable drunken moments, or inmemorable.

I have alot more stories which I'll keep posting after some other folks add to this =D

I will start off.

I was 19 and it was New Years, me and a bunch of friends were partying and this girl was there that I had a crush on. We were all having fun and playing drinking games, kings cup etc. Watching the cable guy and ace ventura. Someone started up truth or dare and someone dared me to kiss this chic that I liked. I am usually a quiet guy (when I'm sober) and sometimes shy so nobody thought I'd do it. I turned to her and dogged her for like a minute straight and everybody was dying laughing but for some reason I could tell she liked it cause after that she was all over me all night.

Then out comes the weed, me and 2 buddies went outside and baked in the car and that was when everything started to pass in a haze. After more partying everyone started to get tired and try to sleep and turned out the lights. Few went upstairs so there was about 7 of us in the room, lights out.

I'm laying on the floor and she jumps on top of me and we start making out hard core, she is sucking on my neck and face, I did the same to her. We were fucking around for a while even moved to another room then wound up back into the room with all my friends trying to sleep (it's pitch black too).
I had this girl on the lounge chair, I pulled down her shorts and panties and I was fingering her and eating her out for a couple minutes when out of the blue my friend on the sofa right next to me turns the light on and just yells "WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA" then turns the light off after a few seconds and everybody was laughing their asses off again and talkin about it, AND WE KEPT GOIN AT IT .

It was a blast but to be honest after the weed I remember bits and peices of it but I got the jist of it...and afterwards the next day and even til now wish I was sober for this event so it could be more vividly remembered.
This girl also worked with me and we both had hickes all over us, my friend said "dude you look like someone hit you in the neck with a hockey puck".
It was nuts, I had hickies on my forehead, cheeks, all around my neck and chest.

But today when I think back on it, the visual that always pops up in my head is my friend turning that light on and yelling and it makes me laugh everytime.
Try to make a long story short. We played drinking games. 2 of the players drank to much.. lmao. 1 went outside and puked in everyone yards and the other pissed in the hallway! lmao


Woke up in an alley way covered in blood, vomit, shit and with a case of minor amnesia.

The blood wasn't mine.

To top it all off, I was in a very small town in Turkey, with very few buses, and only 4 hours get to my villa, find my friends and catch my flight.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I could make this the mother of all FO threads all on my own. Lets start off with something that will piss everybody off all at once.
Ever get drunk on a pub crawl round town?
Need to piss, don't you?

One university I went to was in Leeds.
There's a building in Leeds called the multifaith sanctuary. It contains;
a Sikh temple
A Moslem Mosque
A Christian church
A Jewish synagogue
A Buddhist temple

Yep. That's right. Didn't recognise it from behind. Walked up to it and drunkenly pissed on it.
So if any one of the 5 major faiths are right then I'm pretty much fucked.

Beat that people :tongue:
I could make this the mother of all FO threads all on my own. Lets start off with something that will piss everybody off all at once.
Ever get drunk on a pub crawl round town?
Need to piss, don't you?

One university I went to was in Leeds.
There's a building in Leeds called the multifaith sanctuary. It contains;
a Sikh temple
A Moslem Mosque
A Christian church
A Jewish synagogue
A Buddhist temple

Yep. That's right. Didn't recognise it from behind. Walked up to it and drunkenly pissed on it.
So if any one of the 5 major faiths are right then I'm pretty much fucked.

Beat that people :tongue:

Lol that's harsh, don't think I could beat that


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I slept inside of a tauntaun once on the frozen planet of Hoth, I may have been drunk but who knows.
I could make this the mother of all FO threads all on my own. Lets start off with something that will piss everybody off all at once.
Ever get drunk on a pub crawl round town?
Need to piss, don't you?

One university I went to was in Leeds.
There's a building in Leeds called the multifaith sanctuary. It contains;
a Sikh temple
A Moslem Mosque
A Christian church
A Jewish synagogue
A Buddhist temple

Yep. That's right. Didn't recognise it from behind. Walked up to it and drunkenly pissed on it.
So if any one of the 5 major faiths are right then I'm pretty much fucked.

Beat that people :tongue:

Me and some buddies met some girls at a bar, went back to a friends house to keep the party going. We're all hanging in the backyard having a fire, when one girl decides to try and chop wood. She swings the axe, completely misses the log and gets the axe stuck in her foot. Her foot looked like the live long and prosper sign. Blood everywhere. We try calling an ambulance but she freaks out saying she'll end up in jail or some shit. Turns out she was underage and thought she'd get in trouble. So we offer her money to take a taxi since none of us were capable of driving, she declined that too. So after turning down an ambulance and taxi ride to the hospital, my buddy basically told her to get the fuck off his property because he doesn't want to be held responsible for her young ass. He shoved her through his back gate and said hit the road. We kept drinking and never saw her again.
Me and some buddies met some girls at a bar, went back to a friends house to keep the party going. We're all hanging in the backyard having a fire, when one girl decides to try and chop wood. She swings the axe, completely misses the log and gets the axe stuck in her foot. Her foot looked like the live long and prosper sign. Blood everywhere. We try calling an ambulance but she freaks out saying she'll end up in jail or some shit. Turns out she was underage and thought she'd get in trouble. So we offer her money to take a taxi since none of us were capable of driving, she declined that too. So after turning down an ambulance and taxi ride to the hospital, my buddy basically told her to get the fuck off his property because he doesn't want to be held responsible for her young ass. He shoved her through his back gate and said hit the road. We kept drinking and never saw her again.

WOW lol, wonder if she is still alive


Really pissed one night ended up in bed with some chick....Not sure how....Anyway we are going at it and I noticed her hair moved.......And I was like wtf.....On closer inspection I realised it was a wig and that she must have been either bald or shaved underneath.....Although I was majorly taken aback, I thought fuck it......So I finished up then bailed.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Me and a friend got really hammered and tried to fill up his bathtub with our pee. We got about a quarter of the way before we both passed out.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Me and a friend got really hammered and tried to fill up his bathtub with our pee. We got about a quarter of the way before we both passed out.

Did you pass out falling into the piss?
One time I was walking home drunk. Bad weather. Got A burger. stopped in the shelter of a church to eat it (wasn't actually in the church or graveyard so I figured god would forgive me). Wind flipped the top off the burger. Lifted my foot trying to move to catch it, but it fell on the floor under my descending foot. Trod on the bread wet with burger juices, slipped, went over backwards, knocked myself out cold and came round I don't know when later, drunk, hurt, poor and hungry.
Great times :thumbsup:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I once stole Mike Tyson' tiger, married a stripper, and stole $10,000 from a Chinese man at a casino who I later kidnapped and stuffed in the trunk of a car. Good times...

Seriously though, I don't usually drink enough to do anything stupid. :o I dated a really wild girl during college so I had to constantly be responsible for both of us. Ugh, I hate being a good person... :mad:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I once got really drunk and thought it would be sweet to drive my car at 88 MPH in a mall parking lot to see what would happen. Instead of going back to the future I hit a barricade and pretty much wrecked the front-right side of my car. But I got some sweet airtime, so I guess Doc was right; I didn't need roads.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Did you pass out falling into the piss?
One time I was walking home drunk. Bad weather. Got A burger. stopped in the shelter of a church to eat it (wasn't actually in the church or graveyard so I figured god would forgive me). Wind flipped the top off the burger. Lifted my foot trying to move to catch it, but it fell on the floor under my descending foot. Trod on the bread wet with burger juices, slipped, went over backwards, knocked myself out cold and came round I don't know when later, drunk, hurt, poor and hungry.
Great times :thumbsup:

No, but my hand ending up laying in it during the whole time I was on the floor.

I would never do something like that normally, but we were celebrating both our birthdays (his comes a couple days after mine) and we decided to have a little fun. I normally don't drink at all, and yet I can still hold my liquor. Life's funny that way.


Woke up to discover I had shat out of my friends bedroom window. In the night, I must have confused the window with some sort of toilet, as it opened vertically inside of sideways. Poor excuse, I know. I had no recollection of doing it though, so for about an hour I kept accusing him of doing it.

"How dare you stand over the top of me and shit right next to me, what the fuck is wrong with you?"