Driving : Weasels and Road Rage

I don't care if there's a thread covering this already - this is a place to vent road rage if you're one who doesn't partake in reacting to this rage moments after it engulfs you. That being, if you've just put three rounds into some guy who cut you off on your most recent drive, you've already vented enough. ;)

Turn Signal Deviants - OK, how many times a day do you entertain the thought of taking out the numerous idiots who don't use their turn signals? You know the thought, catch up to them, get right up beside and yank the wheel, sending their ride into an un-paved, un-regulated parking space that will need more than a tow-truck to remove.

Now, more and more, I'm seeing a new breed of these morons. Yes, they've stubbornly accepted that they should use the turn signal, but they ignore proper timing and execution because they still don't really give a fuck. They're still arrogant, selfish drivers who only look out for #1.

Now, personally, I see driving as a sport and I use the very techniques that allow me to excel in athletic applications. In short, reading the play, always in the zone, and giving respect to all who surround me. I'm a big karma devotee and I always feel in harmony when giving rather than taking. Rather than act like king shit when surrounded safely by all that glass and steel, I go about driving in a way that won't affect fellow drivers. (To all who flash their high-beams at me when my xenon lights "blind them" - wake the F up and adjust!!! They're not going away!! They're really bright if you focus on them!!! Look away! Tilt your head down slightly!! I"M NOT ON HIGH BEAM!! CHILL!!)

Back to the menace. Yes, this new breed is worse than those who think turn signals should be optional.

If you're a good driver you'll see it coming, but it still sucks. I'm talking about the late turn signal idiots. My simple rule - signal before braking, about a half block before the turn. No surprises, lots of time for those behind me to switch lanes and take action. No, these baffons hit the stalk way late, trapping you and probably a few others behind them. The dominoes begin to fall.

The other signal menaces actually piss me off more. To them, the turn signal is their way of saying "IT'S MY FUCKIN TURN!!" As well, they somehow think that the moment their dashboard emits clicking sounds, EVERYONE around them sees the amber blinking, signaling their intent. I write this because today I witnessed a textbook case of "MY SIGNAL IS ON, I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!!" A Merc SUV was ahead of me and he signals to change lanes. At the time he's side-by-side with a Jeep, who's driver is watching the road AHEAD. He brakes a bit, but continues alongside the Jeep waiting for a miracle. Finally he lets off the gas and slips in just behind the Jeep. I'm already expecting what I'm about to see. I drive past and look at the Merc driver in pity. No surprise here. He's shaking his head and a scowl paints his face. Ya buddy, you're the good guy. :rolleyes:

Then there's the weasels of the driving world. The taker supremos. The cheats. In today's mammoth SUV world, the only utility given is to the "I'm bigger than you" mentality. Cars do it too obviously, but more often I find that those who roll in 3 tonne SUVs use the size advantage dishonourably. I'm talking about the dudes who blast by you in a lane that they KNOW is soon to be blocked by parked cars, or is a lane they shouldn't be in if they want to get where they're going. The true weasels folks. And what do they do? They blast by and when the time comes for them to change lanes, they signal and EXPECT those they cut in front of to let them back in, as if they didn't know what they were doing. RAGE. RAGE. RAGE. Damn I hate those fuckers!!

Everyday, I take a route where the weasels come to feed daily. As a "goodie-goodie" I take the lane on the two lane street that leads to the bridge on-ramp. For quite a stretch, we good people patiently line up and await our turn, as those in the other lane fly by at normal speed. Yes, the temptation is quite strong somedays, the more gridlock, the more injustice you feel. This is not a new road or anything. EVERYONE knows that the right lane is feeding into the Second Narrows Bridge.

You finally get to the last few intersections and the weasels are running rampant. There's the baby weasels who don't leave cutting in to the last moment, stopping completely in the left lane, signal on, blocking traffic until finally they wedge into the crawling line of cars. Actually, these dorks are more comical than offensive, and they block the adult weasels who are using that very lane to be weasel-like. I must say, I leave only about a foot of space in front of me during this game, and never do I acknowledge a weasel in my company who thinks they're gonna get this "sucker"

After clearning the final intersection, it's only about half a block before the two lanes are seperated by more than paint. Then come the signals. Well, thank you assholes. This is prime-time stuff. I mean, the mindfuck for me is quite sinister. How many times have I wished my Acura was a big 'ol pickup that I didn't care was scrateched or dinged? Oh hell yeah!! I'd die to just pin the gas and clip all them fuckin weasels, big and small. There's one G35 coupe I see everyday(King Weasel) and boy would I love to mash that mutha's right fender!!

You see, these assholes are the source of road rage. I am a calm, easy-going man and nothing really gets to me. I follow the rules, I do the right thing, and I look out for others. It's quite scary how people behave when they're driving their time machines. Unless you hit someone, or have a cop witness your bullshit, you're pretty much untouchable and free to do "your thing". Yep, the weasels are free to infect our peace of mind with senseless anger.

It's quite simple. Cars give us the expectation that getting from A to B will take __ minutes. They are time machines in non-SciFi sense. I'm sure many of us estimate the duration we'll be behind the wheel and we depend on such calculations to make commitments on time. We factor in the non-human obstacles such as inadequate road conditions, weather, and speed "limits". The rage begins heating as soon as unforseen factors come into play. Discomfort or eagerness may explain pre-rage feelings better, "THIS SUCKS" is what I feel.

Then come the weasels into this mix. Everyone feels this suckiness and the majority of us just go with it. Not these losers, no way. Inflicting further suckiness on everyone else isn't even pondered as they cut, budge, and bully their way to the finish line. I've gone from chilled out driver to screaming psycho in a matter of minutes - accident delay, some guy taking 5 seconds to react on a green arrow as you watch sitting 13 cars behind, on and on it goes. I'm late, the comfort bubble is gone yet still I do what's right. Throw in a few weasels doing their thing and as George Costanza would yell...
