Douchebaggery free zone.

No douchebaggery allowed.

Thanks in advance.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
How to spot a douche:



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
So no check in bros?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
It's so rare to find one of these zones on the net anywhere... methinks it's time to put up the feet, crack open a cold one, and just chill with you fellas.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I hate and need to destroy more douches out there, because you see I have this knife in my boot that I cannot sheath until it tastes douchebag blood! Alright now where is my shot of thorazine


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Awesome! Is this the thread where I can pop my collar and drink some StarBucks....
Noticeably absent in a non-douchebag thread is Androgynous Ry. Coincidence?
Fixed - for this thread only - do that in all the other threads.

*pop collar*

Sorry? What? I am unable to hear you over the blasting music in Abercrombie & Finch stores...

Hey, by the way, does this Aeropostal shirt look good on me? :cool: