yeah she does... funny story though just this past weekend my aim was a lil off and i got her in the eye, and while i'm no peter north, my volume is pretty respectable.
now... its IMPOSSIBLE not to laugh cause to see your girl run to the bathroom buck ass naked to wash her eye out its just funny stuff. now i think it's all over whatever whatever, and the next day she calls me up at like ten in the morning and is cursing me out. i'm like whats wrong baby, she's like i STILL can't open up my eye all the way (again it's IMPOSSIBLE not to laugh) so she said it took her about 2 days for the redness to go away.
so great... oh and a ps to that story she also said i got some up her nose... i couldn't hit those 2 targets if i were trying. oh man so i dont know if i'll be giving my girl any facials in the near future. but damn that shit was funny