Does Shay Laren have breast implants or not? (bother me a lot)

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Sorry didn't noticed there is 7 images limit, here is edited one.

One thing that keep lingering in my head is that there are many people think (one of my all-time favorite stars) Shay Laren has fake tits.
Well, I was shocked when I first heard this remark. Since day one, I've always been her loyal fan because of her extremely attractive breasts.
So perfect it maintains its shape though its massive size.
Not so perfect because they are lopsided and very noticeable.
Her boobs are so bouncy and soft, never do I ever think they can possibly be fake.

People who think her boobs are fake bring these arguments.

1-Lying on her back, fake breasts will retain its perfectly round shape

2-Transition from breast to chest is too abrupt

3-The way it sways, fake boobs swing like a ball attached to chest, no obvious movements from breast
tissue, on the other hand natural one should have rippling effect.

4-Some great implant material such as Movita implant can also replicate the softness of natural one,
so being bouncy cannot be the argument anymore.

5-Soft and Saggy vs firm and springy

6-Her limbs (especially arm) are too thin for the size of breasts, normally, girl with natural breasts have fat accumulate

Here is their main argument.

A natural breast will not maintain its shape when she is on her back.
They said her breasts shape are too perfectly round in this position.
They act like ballon attached to chest.

001 (2).jpg

Instead, they will collapse and lost the shape.

Below is the counterpart which they argued, should be what the natural breasts look like.
Transition from breast to chest should be very smooth as below, on the other hand, look at Shay's
picture above, the transition is a bit too abrupt.


The movement does not look natural.
Acting like two slugs of heavy metals dropping down.


Natural counterpart: total distortion, more rippling effect on surface


This is the Motiva implant example; you wouldn't tell it is implanted. Just look at its softness


More argument, breasts are too separated apart. (Though I think this is weak argument)
Cleavage line is too wide.
Sometimes, being too perfect causes suspicion. (too thin for the size of her boobs)


I would say this famous bouncing clip is quite natural.


But here are some photos taken recently.

Sign of boob job is more evident.

Did Shay LaRen get a Boob Job?

So, I am not really sure, both side of argument seem convincing.

I am still inclined to her breasts being natural, but how do you explain the arguments which sound legit?
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