Does porn help you stay faithful to your wife or girlfriend?

I find that it helps me. Whenever I get some urges to have sex with other women, I find some time alone and watch some porn on my computer and it usually helps deal with the urge. Anyone have similar experiences or have any thoughts on this in general. Discuss...
I find that it helps me. Whenever I get some urges to have sex with other women, I find some time alone and watch some porn on my computer and it usually helps deal with the urge. Anyone have similar experiences or have any thoughts on this in general. Discuss...

LOL, always a tempting bad apple;) Yes, I suspect it does so.

Nice thread :thumbsup:
I'm single but if I have a girlfriend I don't think I need porn to help me stay loyal because I believe in loyaly like Hama and Gambling to King Theoden from Lord of the Rings.


what the fuck you lookin at?
short answer....yes!

long answer...absolutely!


I think it has the potential to go both ways:

1) obtain a 'release' from porn and thus satisfaction to keep one grounded


2) obtain motivation or drive for sex outside of one's relationship

... depends on the person and the situation.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
I think it does.

despite the fact they (usually) dislike porn, they definitely rather having you wanking with girls on the TV/PC than fucking some whore
is it really being faithful if you're sneaking porn? if you haven't discussed porn use with them, just go ahead and show your wife/girlfriend your porn stash, and watch the relationship magic happen.