Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities? --- RIP Paul the Octopus

Do you believe that Paul the octopus has visionary abillities?

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My compatriot the octopus Paul from Oberhausen projected all results of the German team and the result of the final at the FIFA soccer WM 2010 without any mistake. So he forecast 8 results in a row of soccer matches right.
Can this just be luck?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

He better start predicting hockey games or he is going to end up in a sushi resturante or get eaten raw by the main character from Oldboy.
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

These are just coincidences.

Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

no... but he can pick his nose, ass, ears and solve a rubik's cube at the same time.
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

He better start predicting hockey games or he is going to end up in a sushi resturante or get eaten raw by the main character from Oldboy.

I'll say. With a name like the "Octopus," he'd better stay out of Detroit's Joe Louis Arena on any nights where the Wings score a hat trick. That ice can hurt, I'm told.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

That's the smartest seafood I've ever heard of.
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

These are just coincidences.
Of course it's a coincidence. :rolleyes:
I'm sure his handlers set it up somehow, as almost all his picks were for the favorites.
But I was impressed by the Serbia over Germany pick though. Way to go out on a limb...or tentacle, I mean. ;)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

Yeah I heard the guy from Old Boy ate him alive.
Re: Does Paul the octopus have visionary abillities?

I heard he picked the Dallas Cowboys vs the San Diego Chargers for the Super Bowl... :)