Does anyone still BUY porn anymore?

There's whats I like to call an "Adult Variety" store, near I my house... 2 actually. And they both look so desolate and empty! I very VERY rarely see anyone in them. So I gotta ask, does anyone actually still buy porn dvd's? Even Online through ebay or stuff? It seems like with all the free porn on the internets, there's no real point
Nope not anymore, i used to buy a couple of films once a month, but now with my lovely internet there's just no point.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think most people who purchase pornography do it over the internet. It's usually cheaper and it's 100% discrete.
I think the biggest problem for those businesses is that pornograpy is still socially faux pas. I mean, just look at all the crazy religious fanatics that will condemn you to hell if you see a pair of tits. Imagine what they would do if they saw you in a store with adult movies and big black dildos. You would be the anti-Christ himself!

The internet has provided people with anonymity. People still pay for porn, just instead of going into porn stores, they pay for websites or order DVDs on-line. That is if they don't know what a ******* is. The difference is that "free" porn is technically illegal. Just like downloading music. It's material that has a copywrite on it.

People still go to the stores with their partners when they're looking to incorporate some new things into the bedroom though.


I always buy a porn mag when i go into europe on holiday, they seem to be so much dirtier.

other than that, fuck no. I like watching dvds, but the very few i have i got for free. and i dont think i will ever pay for porn online.
While I do not buy often I do buy a lot when there are big sales at the online places I frequent. My girlfriend is always bugging me to order MORE porn. There was an adult store I used to go to before I realized everything was cheaper online. It did always feel slightly awkward having cars drive by me as I got out of my car and walked inside, but in the end I didn't really care.
I bought a DVD for the first time in months this month, probably wont again you can get so much online for free there doesnt seem much point.
It depends on what type of porn you're talking about. I buy story line based porn at the store or online but that has more to do with the fact that I'm a movie fanatic and it's more of a collection. Other types of porn like gonzo for example, I don't really look at that much and if I do I just come to Freeones.


knows petras secret: she farted.
rarely. when i do, its online. sometimes used. why? for autograph purposes and we like having some. i could obtain anything i want for free but still, its like a cd, sometimes u want the box.
A lot of seedy adult bookstores will become extinct. And the ones that remain in business are incorporating a couples friendly atmosphere by selling toys, novelties, and intimate apparel. As far as PORN is concerned, you can get anything and everything on-line free or otherwise.


persona non grata
I haven´t bought any porn in almost a year and i doubt i will buy many porn DVD´s in the future. I don´t download porn either. Why? Because i´m not a criminal.
So I gotta ask, does anyone actually still buy porn dvd's?

It has been a while since I have bought a porn dvd. And almost all dvd's that I have I have bought from the internet. I may still go and buy a dvd if there's something I really like and can't get it otherwise.


Is somewhere outhere.
Like most people here because I've got the internet I don't have
the need to go and buy it and haven't done so for almost a year
now :)
If you are spending money on renting or buying porn you are wasting your money. There is SO much free porn online what's the point, virtually every movie ever made in porn can be downloaded online for free, stop wasting your money and wake up!!! LOL
If you are spending money on renting or buying porn you are wasting your money. There is SO much free porn online what's the point, virtually every movie ever made in porn can be downloaded online for free, stop wasting your money and wake up!!! LOL

If everyone stopped paying for it, they would stop making it so you should appreciate the people who pay to help keep the industry alive.
I don´t download porn either. Why? Because i´m not a criminal.

Please explain how DL porn will make anyone a criminal. Does this make people that DL porn criminals? :confused:

Porn websites let [paying] members DL all of the porn they want, so I don't understand the connection between committing a criminal act and the downloading of porn.
Please explain how DL porn will make anyone a criminal. Does this make people that DL porn criminals? :confused:

Porn websites let [paying] members DL all of the porn they want, so I don't understand the connection between committing a criminal act and the downloading of porn.

I'm thinking it's fairly obvious he is not referring to pay sites.