Do You Wake Up When You Fart in Your Sleep?


Lord Dipstick
Do you actually wake up and knowingly let it rip OR does your body involuntarily do it for you?
The reason why I ask is the other night, this girl stayed over and told me I farted like 10 times in my sleep but I never woke or realized it? :eeew:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Alex, that's more than I wanted to know.... Thank you....


Hiliary 2020
Now what in the hell would you wanna go and ask a damn fool question like this for?

and my answer is no, i don't think so.
I only wake up long enough to smile then go back to sleep.

I am the master of the Dutch Oven. I love to fart then pull the covers over my sweety's pretty head and hold her under there. When she fights me to get loose from the covers she forces out a series of secondary farts from me which add to her suffering.


Do you actually wake up and knowingly let it rip OR does your body involuntarily do it for you?
The reason why I ask is the other night, this girl stayed over and told me I farted like 10 times in my sleep but I never woke or realized it? :eeew:

:nono: :nono:

Diet Alex . . . Diet! :D


Do you actually wake up and knowingly let it rip OR does your body involuntarily do it for you?
The reason why I ask is the other night, this girl stayed over and told me I farted like 10 times in my sleep but I never woke or realized it? :eeew:

Alex, do you discuss bodily functions with all the women you know? :rolleyes:
I actually always wake up, as I keep seal-able bottles under the covers in order to bottle my delicious dutch oven. A tidy side business of mine, and I honestly can't keep up with demand.

Alex, perhaps I should put you on staff?
If they don't wake up how would anybody know if they farted or not in the first place? It could be like the tree falling in the woods scenario. If somebody farts in their sleep does it make a sound?


Lord Dipstick
Alex, do you discuss bodily functions with all the women you know? :rolleyes:

Yes, I do!
It's a great ice breaker and I look at it this way, if a chick can stay in there after taking a blast or 2 of lethal gas AND stays around....shes a keeper!
And, any chick that can let one rip and still look like a sexy mufucka, is a keeper too!

I go by a saying...."I wanna a chick that looks like a million bucks and can fart like a Mack Truck." :nanner:
I only wake up long enough to smile then go back to sleep.

I am the master of the Dutch Oven. I love to fart then pull the covers over my sweety's pretty head and hold her under there. When she fights me to get loose from the covers she forces out a series of secondary farts from me which add to her suffering.

for some reason this does not surprise me one bit...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I am sure there is a sleep study program just itching to hook some sensors to you.


Lord Dipstick
I did a little scientific experiment last night.
I ate 2 Fiber One bars before I went to bed and sure enough, I woke up about 3:48 a.m. to let one rip! The only thing I can deduce from this is that I probably woke up because It was kind of a wet one. I think my body woke me so I wouldn't crap my Calvins!
Thus I might have to declare the experiment "incomplete".:dunno:

The only bad thing about the experiment is the result of eating 2 Fiber One bars....I just shit for the 6th time today and my ass is raw! :facepalm:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I don't remember farting in my sleep, but I always fart when I wake up. :eeew: