Do You Wake Up When You Fart in Your Sleep?

I seldom wake myself up with my own stench. Usually I only wake up if it's a particularly rank emission, then I usually have to get up and walk out of the room for a few minutes until the smell has dissipated. The worst is when I eat a lot of peanut butter. Then my room smells like an open sewer in the morning.

Usually I keep my farts under the covers, though. In the morning, when I wake up and throw the covers off, a large, green cloud escapes and hovers over my bed for the rest of the morning.
Once my wife was sleeping on her back and let one rip and it came up the front and made the most horrible discusting sound I had ever heard. I started laughing and she woke up and didnt believe me. I still laugh when I think about it 4 years later.