Do you shave with razor or wax?

hey all I'm just curious for the majority of guys/girls out there, do you guys shave your ass with wax or a razor? I tried to with a razor but I keep cutting myself, and the slivers hurt A-L-O-T!

Will E Worm

He's back. :D

Use a trimmer.


I don't believe this is the original baconsalt, but it's funny anyway.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I dont shave my ass, FYI. And.. ya know if one wanted to get technical you cant apply the word 'shave' to waxing.

I have shaved my sack a few times, and my perineum less than a handful of times. Something about walking around with stubble annoying the bloody hell out of my skin just.. sorta.. sucks.
hey all I'm just curious for the majority of guys/girls out there, do you guys shave your ass with wax or a razor? I tried to with a razor but I keep cutting myself, and the slivers hurt A-L-O-T!

You should try getting laser hair removal. Not only do the lasers remove hair, but if the technician sees a rogue bump near your colon, you can have that zapped as well. Then use cocoa butter lotion to keep the area smooth and refreshed.

I like to do it the old fashioned way, and get drug behind a fast moving truck with no pants on. That seems get rid of all that unwanted ass hair, as well as some of those extra pounds that can pack on. It can leave some little red bumps though, but Baconsalt, you're an expert with those ;)
