Do you prefer Eva Angelina with or without bifocals?

Do you prefer Eva Angelina with or without bifocals?

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I prefer her with bifocals
^ I don't think they are but I tend to refer to glasses as bifocals ;)
i dont mind it either way....but theres some videos where she looks AMAZING
i just hope for some consistency
i still love watching her every which way....shes a favorite


Torn & Frayed.
That would mean they are real.

They're not real!? :eek:

Shit. more thing to add to my general disillusionment of life in general.

Is there anything left to believe in anymore?

P.S.-If you hadn't already guessed,I prefer her with them.....

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't prefer her, period. Where's that goddamn answer at?