Do you like this girl?

Can't honestly say that I do, sorry. It's not the fact that she has hard abs, it's the fact that I don't like how she looks.
Besides the hard abs, she's hot!
My only annoyance is on some of those photos it looks like she has a spray tan...that is lame. She looks better with a lighter complexion.

I think her body is in proper proportion and looks pretty good. I'd bang her, no hesitation.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am sorry man; any girl that has muscles and a six pack!! :pukey: :throwup:

very unattractive!!
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Face doesnt really do it for me


if I say no, will she beat me up?


what the fuck you lookin at?
her face is a little off
She's not bad. Nothing to write home about though. And I would like her better if her abs were a little less defined. In some of the pics she looked good.