Do You Have Any Idea . . . ?


Moderated "Security and Prosperity Partnership" :rolleyes:

Your thoughts ? Be as frank as you like ! Air it out .

Take 15 mins away from the "fun" pages and see what "our leaders have in store for us . . . please ?

;) "Security and Prosperity Partnership" :rolleyes:

Your thoughts ? Be as frank as you like ! Air it out .

Take 15 mins away from the "fun" pages and see what "our leaders have in store for us . . . please ?


I don't have time to check the links but anything sold like that is usually in the direct economic interest of the individuals organizing it.
elected leaders talking globalization. trade agreements, deregulation. boring stuff. probably big deals for big business going on too, but that's just a suspicion

i don't think most of those protesters up in Quebec even knew what they were protesting. the usual ultra leftist posturing, i guess.

what's most interesting to me is that the cops at the summit had undercover guys dressed as radical protesters. apparently they were trying to stir up trouble to give their fellow cops an excuse to become more aggressive. pretty fucked up. just when you think it's all a conspiracy theory....the cops come out and admit it
the spp is really quite simple. It (spp) is the efforst of the three governments to set up the precursor to a north american union in the vein of EU type organization without any legislative oversight. The benefits for "trade" do not outweigh the loss of soverignty for all those involved. it really makes me sick that most people don't know what this agreement really means. It makes me sick!!!