Do you get sleepy after sex?

I do. Immediately after I'm done fucking I just knock the fuck out. I think this is more of a guy thing although I know some women are like this but overall I'd say it's more pronounced in men.


knows petras secret: she farted.
dude. i fell asleep for an hour yesterday after a bj.

granted, i was already tired but man, if i lay there, ill fall asleep.


Re: Do you get sleepy after sex?

Momentarily, yea, I'll head rush out and lie down next to my squeeze because she's usually head rushing too, but after 5 or 10 mins I'm back to near normal as she's slumbering away... at least she's never a grouch when I wake her up. :cool:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What is sleep? Sometimes I do after sex but whatever I am not keeping score.


Closed Account
No not really since I am still young. By the time I get much older then i'll start declining to slumberland....
I think this is more of a guy thing although I know some women are like this but overall I'd say it's more pronounced in men.

Physiologically, men are prone to feeling sleepy after an orgasm because serotonin is released into the brain as part of the orgasm.
i fell asleep for an hour yesterday after a bj.

How long did it take the guy to cum? :tongue:
I do my very best to sleep DURING any sex I have. I'm told it improves my techniques considerably.

I once fell asleep during sex. Let me tell ya, regardless of the validity of the circumstances under which that happened, she was FUMING mad when it happened. :1orglaugh
sometimes, yes . and when younger esp. -- after masturbation too :shy:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Easy solution:

Give your girlfriend a taser for Christmas :1orglaugh
I never go to sleep after sex... Never heard of anyone who does.. You guys must be weird..


Postal Paranoiac
Yes. So I only fuck narcoleptics.