Do you find gratuitous use of profanity makes a comedian funny or less funny?

I was watching Katt Williams on Secret Stash on Comedy Central some time ago and I find him very funny. He can have some hilarious bits. I just can't stand every other word being fuck, *****, and goddamn. Even if he is in between jokes he will just randomly trail off with a string of vulgarity.

There are few other comedians out there that follow this same profanity laced path. Katt Williams is right now the only one that comes to mind.

What do you think about this?

Too much or LOL hilarious?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Most of the ones I see these days seem like cheap imitations of Richard Pryor. He cursed a lot, but Richard was also a master storyteller. These newer guys seem like they rely on the profanity purely for shock value (IMO), because they don't have jokes.

I used to enjoy going to comedy shows and watching them on TV. But I usually change the channel now days and I haven't been to a comedy show in over 10 years. I never liked Seinfeld, but I do like people who can weave a good story into their humor.
I think it depends on the culture, and on the personality of the comedian.

Sometimes you can tell that the comedian is deliberately swearing to try and get an effect, in which case it doesn't work.

However over here in Glasgow most folk swear at least once every few sentences, so it's natural and ties in with the sense of humour.

Bree Olson

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I think it depends on the comedian entirely...some can pull it off. Others I just want to slap. LOL


Postal Paranoiac
Only George Carlin and Richard Pryor can effectively use profane language.
People either identify with their humor or not. Unless you're a person who just doesn't like profanity, I don't think it adds or takes away from a comedian's routine. Unless the comedian is going out of their way to substitute words and sounds awkward doing it.


Hiliary 2020
it usually doesnt work, depends on the comic and how its used.

the old dean martin roasts were hilarious, really good zingers.
no real profanity.
i saw a recent william shatner roast and all the jokes were about buttfucking and sucking dick.
to me it was totally unfunny but most current comedians just arent funny so thats all theyve got.
It CAN be funny, like old Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy, but if all a comedian can do is try to curse and gross you out, that's not funny IMHO.


Hiliary 2020
It CAN be funny, like old Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy, but if all a comedian can do is try to curse and gross you out, that's not funny IMHO.

i thought it worked well with pryor and carlin, even dice clay pulled it off well.
murphy on the other hand i dont think did and i think his funniest bits were on saturday night live where he didnt use cuss words.

i imagine seinfeld using profanity in his bits.
" what the fuck is it with oprah?
"she's fucking fat, she's fucking thin, pick a fucking body and go with it for fucks sake".
It's alright when it seems natural, the rest of the bit is funny, and it fits. More often than not however it is just used by comedians to compensate for having a lousy act.
I agree with you my whimsical friend......for example, Penn (Penn and Teller) is an extremely intelligent person, but when every other word is fuck, I think it makes him sound less intelligent. I guess it depends though.....guys like Kat Williams don't bother me too much, but I do agree with ya overall.
I think, as others have said, it really depends on how it's used. There are those who can get away with constant use of profanity because its use is either justified given with the content being discussed or it flows along with how they say it. People like Carlin, Pryor and Hicks can get away with it because of their delivery and the content.

Of course there are others who use it for effect and effect alone which usually makes it sound awkward and results in something funny only to the lowest common denominator.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Some are able to pull it off, but usually it makes them less funny.
depends on the comedian.

now some come on stage and tell a story,talk about different topics ranging from race to politics,all with some sort of humor.

then there are comedians who talk about nothin but one topic,curse nonstop for cheap laughs.

if the audience does'nt know wtf youre talkin about then youre fucked.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I use gratuitous vulgarity all the fuckin time. So mostly I don't even notice it! I prefer they swear anyway, makes em more realistic.