I know that there a lot of you VERY NICE PEOPLE who refuse to listen to 98.6% of actual climatologists (climate scientists for you mouth breathers) about climate change. It isn't in the bible therefore it must not be real. Jesus (prounounces Hey-Soos) didn't warn of it and there was no burning bush telling the fortunes of the future that involved the human population increasing by the BILLIONS after the turn of the 20th century....hell, the bible didn't even mention god letting everyone know that the FUCKING EARTH WASN'T FLAT! but none the less......
I am a huge shark advocate. I have dedicated my time and given my money and tried to spread awareness to combat the horrible fear the media has instilled in people that sharks are man eaters, which they are absolutely not. I have also tried to promote pro-shark mentality and help others understand the importance of their existence.
THIS IS AMAZING! If you get a chance to watch the entire show it's incredible. Showing this teenage girl diving with great whites and tiger sharks without a cage because she understands them. Her showing that reefs that were full of living coral 10 years ago are dead with zero sea life. Showing how she now has a hard time finding sharks when not so long ago they were everywhere. Incredible film making.
Humans kill 100 million sharks a year. That isn't an opinion of scientists. that is a solid fact. Much of it is for the stupid Chinese who believe that the shark fin has magical powers so they eat in soup. But shark fins actually have zero flavor and zero nutritional benefits. ZERO. Even more, sharks are apex predators so they absorb the chemicals and bacteria from everything they eat which makes them dangerously high in mercury. So there is actual danger for people to eat shark meat. Yet we kill them by the tens of millions. There are only a few shark sanctuaries in the world, the Bahamas being one where commercial shark fishing is outlawed and actually enforced. Costa Rica has an area around a national park that is supposed to be protected but long line fisherman are there every day catching them by the hundreds. The same goes for Ecuador but they caved in to the fishing lobby and Australia has some areas but again the fishing lobby there spends a lot of money. All of Asia is the majority of the problem. They see zero value in the life of sharks or whales or dolphins or pretty much anything. They could care less and it's sickening.
The worst part of this is many of the sharks aren't even eaten. They cut their fins off and throw them back in the water to die a horrible death.
Considering that more than 70% of the ocean's reefs have been destroyed and we are over-fishing to the point that there has not been a cod caught in Cape Cod in 4 years, do you fucktards deny that this is going to be a problem for mankind? Killing the ecosystem that sustains our largest food source? Without balance there is chaos.
I'd like to hear opinions from the people who see environmentalists as radicals who want to keep us from drilling oil in the ocean (Remember BP!!!) and over fishing. Honest opinions not sarcastic bullshit because you're uneducated enough to have a serious discussion.
I am a huge shark advocate. I have dedicated my time and given my money and tried to spread awareness to combat the horrible fear the media has instilled in people that sharks are man eaters, which they are absolutely not. I have also tried to promote pro-shark mentality and help others understand the importance of their existence.
THIS IS AMAZING! If you get a chance to watch the entire show it's incredible. Showing this teenage girl diving with great whites and tiger sharks without a cage because she understands them. Her showing that reefs that were full of living coral 10 years ago are dead with zero sea life. Showing how she now has a hard time finding sharks when not so long ago they were everywhere. Incredible film making.
Humans kill 100 million sharks a year. That isn't an opinion of scientists. that is a solid fact. Much of it is for the stupid Chinese who believe that the shark fin has magical powers so they eat in soup. But shark fins actually have zero flavor and zero nutritional benefits. ZERO. Even more, sharks are apex predators so they absorb the chemicals and bacteria from everything they eat which makes them dangerously high in mercury. So there is actual danger for people to eat shark meat. Yet we kill them by the tens of millions. There are only a few shark sanctuaries in the world, the Bahamas being one where commercial shark fishing is outlawed and actually enforced. Costa Rica has an area around a national park that is supposed to be protected but long line fisherman are there every day catching them by the hundreds. The same goes for Ecuador but they caved in to the fishing lobby and Australia has some areas but again the fishing lobby there spends a lot of money. All of Asia is the majority of the problem. They see zero value in the life of sharks or whales or dolphins or pretty much anything. They could care less and it's sickening.
The worst part of this is many of the sharks aren't even eaten. They cut their fins off and throw them back in the water to die a horrible death.
Considering that more than 70% of the ocean's reefs have been destroyed and we are over-fishing to the point that there has not been a cod caught in Cape Cod in 4 years, do you fucktards deny that this is going to be a problem for mankind? Killing the ecosystem that sustains our largest food source? Without balance there is chaos.
I'd like to hear opinions from the people who see environmentalists as radicals who want to keep us from drilling oil in the ocean (Remember BP!!!) and over fishing. Honest opinions not sarcastic bullshit because you're uneducated enough to have a serious discussion.
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